Part 17

162 8 16

🟩<3 months>🟩
"Sap do you want me to beat him up?"

"For the last time Dream, i'm over it." Sapnap said, clutching his bag strap.

"But i can-"

"Goddammit dream! For 3 months you've been asking if i want you to beat up my ex! He did nothing wrong! I'm over it!" Sapnap yelled as dream kept eyeing karl and his friends.

Karl looked over his shoulder as he heard sapnap yell.

"But he-"

"Just fucking leave it Clay." Sapnap said, walking away.

Dream walked over to Karl and stood infront of him.

Karl ignored him.

"Hey Karl. You know-"

Tommy stepped between Dream and Karl while Quackity pulled Karl away by the hand.

"Right, you piss off or one of us is gonna end up with an injury." Tommy threatened.

"Yeah, we all know that'd be you."

Tommy tried to jump on him but Ranboo grabbed his arm. He held tommy tight to their chest and Eret ,who was stood nearby, took him from him.

"Tom calm down." Eret said. She eyed Dream who walked off looking annoyed.

"Let me fucking punch him." Tommy said.

"No. I'll sort it, ok tommy?"

"Hmmm ok." Tommy said, not convinced.

"Right." Eret said, letting go of the annoyed tommy.

"You alright Tommy?" George asked.

"Yeah he just really annoys me." Tommy said.

"I know. Maybe Eret will get him to leave you alone." George said.

"Maybe. I just hope i don't have to fight him again cos dad will ban me from my computer if i do."

"Karl are you ok?" Quackity asked Karl, still holding onto his hand.

"Yeah i geuss. Dream just always blames me for the breakup and stuff."

"Yeah i know. Ima try make him piss off."

"Uhhh Quack your still holding my hand." Karl said awkwardly.

"Oh- yeah." Quackity said, letting go.

"It's ok." Karl said, grabbing Quackitys hand again and making him blush.

"Do you wanna hang out after school? I've got something to tell you." Quackity asked nervously.

"Yeah sure. Where should i meet you?"

"Just meet me at the top of school. I have a cool place to show you." Quackity said, relieved.

Karl waited not so patiently for the day to be over and when it finally did come he met Quackity at the top of the school where the buses arrived.

Since Quackity and Karl lived in the same village they got the same bus.

The buses arrived and the group spilt, Tubbo and Ranboo walking of to their bus, George going to his bus and Sapnap walking out the school gate.

"Can i know where we're going?" Karl asked as they got on the bus with the rest of the year 11's.

"No not yet."

"When can i know?"

"When we get there."

Quackity led Karl by the hand and Karl kept asking where they were going.

"Quack if you walk me into a wall i won't trust you ever again." Karl said as Quackity led him with his eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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