Part 14

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"Uhhh excuse me?" Wilbur said nervously.

"Yeah?" The person at the front desk of the hospital said, turning to Wilbur. "How can i help?"

"Uhm I'm here to see my brother." Wilbur clutched techno's hand to calm him down.

"Can i have a name?"

"Uhm I'm Wilbur Watson but I'm visiting Thomas Watson."

"Thomas... ah yes, room 261." She smiled. "I'll get someone to take you."

She signaled to some employee standing nearby.

"Can you take these guys to 261? Thomas Watson. Just check first."

The person nodded and started leading them through the hospital.

Wilbur ajusted his backpack, made sure he had a hold of techno and started following.

"Whats happening?" Techno asked.

"They're taking us to see tommy." Wilbur explained, closely following the employee.

"Excuse me? You have visitors."

Tommy looked over at the door and smiled. "Wil! Tech!"

"Ah thank you." Phil said.

Wilbur walked in with techno and put his bag down.

"Hey Toms. You alright?"

"Yup. My friends were here earlier. They had to go back with Eret though." Tommy said.

Techno walked over to Phil and stood next to him.

"You alright mate?" He asked.

"Scared on bus. Wilbur helped. He got me a ticket and talked to the people for me." Techno said quietly.

"Oh sorry mate. I didn't realise the bus would mess with your Anxiety. Your here now though. You don't have to get the bus home don't worry." Phil said.

Techno nodded and looked over at Wil who was sat on tommys bed with him.

"And then i punched him again. I think a bit after that i passed out though cos i don't remember anything else." Tommy said.

"Well you've had an exiting day then." Wilbur laughed.

Tommy nodded enthusiastically.

🟩<Time skip>🟩
"We should probably start heading home soon." Phil said.

"Oh. Do i have to stay here?"

"The doctors said yes. I'll bring you pyjamas and Henry but We'll see you tomorrow ok tom? If you need anything theres nurses you can ask. I'll come back with your stuff in just a bit." Phil explained.

"Oh... alright. I geuss I'll see you tomorrow." Tommy said sadly.

Wilbur hugged tommy and picked up his backpack again.

Tommy held out his hand for a high-five from techno (as he wasn't very big on hugs) but was shocked when Techno hugged him.

"Feel better ok Toms?" He wispered.

"Ok tech." Tommy smiled.

"Bye." Tommy said as they left.

Now he was alone.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and sat there.

Now what?

He grabbed his phone of the bedside table and scrolled through it.

Nothing exiting.

A nurse walked in and sat down next to him.

"You alone now tom?"

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