Chapter 33 New Retainer

Start from the beginning

"Hello lowly Dicathens I am Achlys and you will soon die."

"Why are you here and how did you get here? Who are you?"

"Oh a proud plaything I like those. I can break them even better. I am a retainer and I am here to help those incompetents control the beasts. They even gave me some for myself. Aren't they cute? Say hi to them. And how I got here is not that important is it? Because you wont leave either way so why bother. You won't tell anybody that I was here."

"Your words are just empty threats you are alone with some pitiful mana beasts against us. You are the one that won't get out of here alive."

"You are right that I am here alone with only my beasts but do you think I haven't thought of that? I doubt that you will do much if you hear my proposition. After all there are not just you in here there are also other people walking through this dungeon. After all it is connected to the dungeon known as Widows Crypt." At this I became pale, while remembering the name of the dungeon where the Xyrus academy was. So they are in danger I have to save them. "Oh don't worry little elf I will call the beasts back if you surrender. But you will all die a painful death."

"Why should we, the army of the council give up our lives for some nobodies. Adventurers know about risk of death when they do their job."

"Lay your weapons on the floor. We will surrender." I said with gritted teeth.

"General why? Why would you give up?"

"There are three royals up there. The prince and princess of Elenoir and the prince of Sapin. If we don't save them they will die."

"Are you so sure about that big sis. If I have counted right then there are only two royals up there and they are as save as possible. Do you seriously think they couldn't handle some little bugs?"

Arthur Pov:

I followed the soldiers and Alea inside the dungeon and observed how they fought. To be honest it was only Alea that was at the wrong place. Without her the soldiers could have made much better attacks but they were at the same time happy to have her there. I guess morale is as powerful as ever. They went further without much problems. Then they switched everything up and went down. A few hours later they finally made it to the retainer. She was someone I haven't seen before. I guess a new retainer or maybe some high blood that wanted to proof themselves. But no she was a retainer. To be honest she was on the weaker end like Jagrette. I don't even know if I have to do anything since Alea should be powerful enough to beat her but then she did something no one is allowed to. She threatened Tess. That was the time when I decided to show myself. I deactivated the illusion around myself still using mirage walk and shouted from my out of Vritra metal and violet crystal made throne.

"Are you so sure about that big sis. If I have counted right then there are only two royals up there and they are as save as possible. Do you seriously think they couldn't handle some little bugs?" At this everyone looked at me. Some with suspicion others with clear distain, fear or just surprise.

"Who are you and how did you get behind me?"

"Is the little retainer afraid? Oh I am sorry I did not mean to do that. But that aside I am Arthur Leywin. Just a student of Xyrus academy and coincidentally Tessia Eralith's fiancé."

"And why is the prince here. Do you want to trade your life for your little lover? Admirable but no thank you I don't talk with weaklings. You don't even have a mana core."

"Oh my mana core. Sorry it is hidden with a mana art. But no I haven't come here for that. I wouldn't think twice to offer my life instead of Tessia's but that is not necessary here. I came here because I knew you were here and I wanted to get rid of you. Then I thought I wasn't needed since you are maybe as strong as Jagrette but you have made an error in threatening my girlfriend."

"What are you going to do? You are weak and even lie about having a mana core. This is- Ahhhhhhhhh"

"Sorry did you say anything. You know I have nothing against Alacrya per se but I have something against those that try to harm my people. That is also the reason why you have lost so many of your people in the last three years."


"What vulgar language. Haven't you realized? What kind of magic hit you? Out of what is my seat behind me? Do you get it? You damn lesser."

"How dare you. I am a retainer, a Vritra."

"You are nothing except a toy for the Vritra. A tool to be thrown away when not anymore interesting. And now it is time for some pest control" When he said that he disappeared just to reappear right in front of the retainer. He hit her in the chest and tossed her in that way into the wall. Or so it seemed. But what actually happened is that there were several sharp teeth and a black body right afterwards emerged from the shadow of the cave. The now clearly visible Wyvern bit down on the retainer and tossed him in an other direction. There stood two individuals a little girls with black horns and a wyvern. Was she the one that commanded that to happen. Surprisingly it wasn't the wyvern but the little girl that jumped into the air and kicked downwards perfectly hitting the retainers cheek. She was not knocked out but had still suffered very high damage.

"Arthur. What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be on the field trip?"

"I should yes but I excused myself and told them that I had something important to do. I told them that I wasn't around for a week or so. To be honest I thought you would meet someone more dangerous."

"You knew about our mission and that here would be a retainer?"

"Something like that yes. I just found out about the dungeon since my class would go there and so I investigated. I realized that there would be someone powerful and decided to skip the field trip. Then I realized that you were on your way here and came with you. To be honest I was here the entire time just hidden with an illusion. But never mind that I still have to play catch with this little guy here."

I walked up to the retainer that was fuming in anger and cursing me. But she was not able to do anything against it. My metal shackles held her down and gravity made it impossible for the retainer to rip through her bounds.

"Let me show you who you are dealing with." At that Sylvie came next to me and we both activated realm heart. Looking at her she had no idea what that is. "Don't you know what this is?" I asked her. She did not answer but it was obvious that she was clueless. I sighed and transformed alongside Sylvie. "What about now. Do you see the difference in young individuals of our race and you."

"But you used Vritra arts. You can't be a bloody dragon. Th-that is not possible."

"Oh you see we are Agrona's children and we want his head for killing our mother. And we will get it soon enough." I moved my mouth next to him and whispered something inside her ears. Then I bit down on her arm severing it and spitting it out right away. Then I grabbed her in my mouth and fired a pure mana blast at her sending her through the floors above us and crashing in the ceiling of the floor where the others are right now. I then let out a roar and flew up showing myself in my dragon form just before the ceiling collapsed which separated us from the other students. 

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