Side Chapter 4 Talking with our parents

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Nico Pov:

Today is Elli's Birthday. We are not invited but we still intended to show up. Only Cecil, Art and I. We even have a present for her. We have created a bow for her. If I remember correctly she had never awakened a affinity but was very good with pure mana creation. Art has also brought a artifact that can discern the affinities that one can awaken and Cecil some mana stones imbued with affinities. Those are for meditation purposes. If someone with the right affinity meditates near the stones then they might awaken the affinities if they match the persons. Shortly the mana stone amplifies the mana density of a certain attribute around it.

When we have finished packing we went to the living room gave mother and Sylvie a hug and went on or way. We knew that the party would start in a few hours and therefore went via portal. Arthur conjured a portal out of nothing and we were in Xyrus. All of us went to the coiffeur and to several high priced clothing shops. We saw Lilia once but hid ourself to not alarm them and try to hunt us down or curse at us in public.

Some time later we have finished our shopping and went to a hotel. We booked one room with four beds. Cecil took the bed nearest to the shower while Art chose the bed closest to the window leaving me with the bed near the door or the living room. I chose the ladder since it was closer to Cecil's. It is rather strange to say the least we both know we love each other and go on date with each other but since our bodies are so young we don't do much more then eating something sweet from time to time and snuggling from time to time. The worst part is that it is embarrassing and I can do nothing against it. That bloody undeveloped body. I am lucky that my fighting style is completely new so it doesn't feel to wrong and my weapon and artificing has nothing to do with my whole body it is just that the fingers are short. Anyway today is my sisters birthday so let us go.

We departed with a carriage and told the coachmen the destination. The Helstia villa. When we arrived I paid the driver and we went up to the door. All of us were nervous and wanted to knock but then they arrived. "Hey what are you standing there for? Are you scared of knocking?"

"Adam it is also nice to see you. No we don't fear the knocking only the thing that comes afterwards."

"Calling your family a thing is rather rude don't you think?"

"You have become more eloquent but no we aren't calling our family things but their reaction."

"Then just come in with us. You saved us that is at least something to repay, even tough we still have to talk about your deal with the guild master."

"We understand."

Helen walked up to us and knocked. She and the rest of the twin horns stood behind us wating for someone to open the door. The maid came and opened. "Good evening who might you be?"

"We are the twin horns and those three are Cecilia, Nico and Arthur. We were invited to the birthday party of Eleanor Leywin."

"You know that we weren't invited do you Helen?" I whispered.

"Oh really I had noooo idea."

All eight of us walked in the living room. At once the atmosphere shifted. We all now from where it came it was our mother, Alice and Tabitha. It seems that just like last time or even better than last time our fathers accepted us but our mothers didn't. Lilia seemed somewhat happy but also envious towards us. I guess she is happy since I helped her similar to last time and envy because we are all powerful mages. "Wy are you here? You weren't invited."

"Yes mo-Alice we know that. But we are still here because we care about you and want to congratulate Elli to her birthday. We brought presents as well. She will like them."

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