Chapter 9

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Raphael beat up on the punching bag. He was upset at himself. He was hurting Mikey—Michel. There were more versions of his brother. His brother was Michel . He was hurting him.

And what were Leon and Raph talking about? He had overheard the conversation and it seemed like it was a trauma response.

Ugh, he sounded like Donnie.

Another few hits and the bag was on the floor. Raphael sighed as he picked it up and reattached it to the hook. He peeled off the tape around his knuckles—Don said it helped with the injuries after, with his brothers as examples. It did help, not that Raphael would admit it.

Raphael sat on his bed and took off his kneepads and elbow pads. He stripped himself of all his gear before collapsing onto his bed.

The others' relationship was so much better than his. Raphael's brothers barely communicated what they needed. If they did, it was at the last moment.

Leon seemed to know what was going on the moment he stepped into the room. They were so in tune.

Raphael didn't know if he hated it or was jealous.

He treated his family so... awfully. Sure, he made the usual brother remarks, but to the extent where they fought over who would take Michel— right in front of him.

Finally, the turtle saw what the fuck he was doing wrong. He needed to be a better older brother, like Raph was.

First, he needed to show he was reliable. He could follow instructions and do so without complaints. He needed to not rush into every battle. There, he'd do that first.

Just as Raphael closed his eyes, there was a gentle knock on his door.


The door opened and Mikey stepped in. He closed the door behind him and sat on the floor, crisscross.

Raphael gazed down at him. He wore a brown sweater, blue slacks, and round glasses. Where he got them, Raphael didn't know.

"I'm Dr. Feelings," Mikey said. "I felt some uncool emotions around here."

Raphael quirked an eyebrow, "What d'ya mean?"

Mikey rocked side to side, "It felt like you were having some internal issues. I'm here to be talked to!"

Raphael sat up, "I don't need to talk through my feelings. I just need to be a better brother."

"How are you gonna do that?"

Raphael took a second before answering, "I'm not gonna rush into every fight. I'm not gonna get angry."

"You can't stop yourself from getting angry," Mikey said innocently. "You can only stop yourself from acting out."

Raphael squeezed his hands into fists, "No. I have to stop myself from getting angry. Period."

Mikey shook his head, "Not gonna work."

"How do you know?!" Raphael barked, standing up into a defensive stance.

Mikey just kept staring at him.

Raphael groaned, "Fine. I see what you mean." He sat on his bed, holding his head.

Mikey slowly rose, "Just think about it. Don't be too hard on yourself." Then, he left.

Raphael sighed and laid down. How could his younger brother be smarter than him? Probably some weird therapy circle his other versions did. What he wouldn't do for that.

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