Second Chance

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Here is my contribution to the Surrera Countdown 11 days until our faves are back on our screens!

I'm not nervous. Why would I be nervous? I was married to this man before, what is there to be nervous about? Andy thought in her mind, while freaking out on the outside. She had been trying on different outfits for an hour now and had no idea what she was going to wear.

Running back and forth, from her closet to her full length mirror, she finally found the dress. A simple lose-fitted black v-neck dress, that tightened around the waist and ended right below her knees. Looking at the time, she realized she only had about 45 minutes to be ready and heading out the door and to the restaurant they had made a reservation at. Quickly she finished doing her makeup, before grabbing her purse and heading down to her car.

Entering the restaurant she saw Robert across the restaurant, the waitress guided her over to him, before taking her drink order and leaving them alone.

"Hi." Andy said, sitting down.

"Hi." Robert said, smiling at Andy. He would never get enough of this Andy. Sure firefighter  Andy was hot and badass and impressive, but this Andy he couldn't put into words. She was the person he had fallen in love with. Her compassion and loyalty to her friends and job. The way she could make any terrible situation just a little better simply by being in the room. She truly was amazing, and there was no other way to describe her.

Sitting in silence for a few seconds, both obviously nervous about this.

"Why are we so nervous?" Andy asked, wanting to tuck away in a corner as she was so nervous.

"Because we really care about each other, and neither of us want to mess this up?" Robert said, saying what they were both thinking.

"Yeah." Andy said, laughing a little before getting interrupted by the waiter coming to take their orders.

"Can we start over?" Andy asked, after the left with their orders.

"Start over?" Robert questioned not to sure what Andy was talking about.

"Ya, just pretend we know nothing about each other and this is our first date?" Andy asked, as she got more nervous by the second.

"Ya sure." Robert said, finding it a little funny, but he was willing to try anything. If it meant he might get to spend the rest of his life with the woman in front of him he would do anything.

"Okay, so what are your favourite hobbies outside of your job?" Andy asked, trying not to laugh at herself.

"Well, I like to workout and make smoothies." Robert said, smiling at the woman in front of him, who was struggling not to burst out laughing.

"Robert! Seriously over three years and you don't have any other new hobbies?" Andy scolded.

"Okay. What are your hobbies?" Robert asked knowing Andy wouldn't having many more.

"I usually like to workout and then go on a walk with one of my friends to the beach, or sometimes just walk to the coffee shop depending on the day. I also like to go out dancing once a week." Andy said, looking to Robert like she had just won a competition.

"What's your biggest fear and biggest goal for the future?" Andy said, looking at Robert.

"My biggest fear is losing the people I love most. And my goal for the future is to have a family." Robert said, looking to Andy with hopeful eyes.

"Oh you want kids?" Andy asked, not that it was new knowledge to her but it still shocked her a little. "How many?"

"I would like to have two children in a perfect world, but however many you want is good enough for me." Robert said, looking at Andy with a smirk.

"Oh kids with me?" Andy said, acting shocked.

"Only if you want some, of course. But don't you think our kids would be amazing?" Robert said looking at Andy.

Speechless, Andy only nodded her head taking a sip of her wine.

Once the waiter brought out their food, they began eating before they began with the questions again.

"So what are some random fun facts about you, that I don't already know?" Robert asked.

"Well, my nickname is Baby Rambo, as a kid my mom would read me stories about dragons and princesses, but I always liked the dragon ones more. And I originally didn't want to be a firefighter, I actually was going to be a professional salsa dancer, until I changed my mind." Andy said, sharing all new information with Robert.

"Baby Rambo?" Robert laughed.

"Ya it's a long story." Andy said embarrassed, questioning why she shared that.

"I have all night." Robert said, sitting up in his chair desperately wanting to hear this story.

"Well I'm sure somebody at the station would explain it better, but basically the short story is I got on a plane at 12 years old by myself to bring my dad back from the twin towers. And ever since then I've been known as Baby Rambo." Andy laughed.

In that moment Robert fell even more in love with Andy. How could this woman make him fall in love with her even more? He thought to himself.

"Okay enough about me, know what are some fun facts about you that I don't know?" Andy asked.

"Well... uhm... I don't know there isn't much that you don't already know." Robert said, not coming up with anything.

"Oh come on, there has to be something I don't know about you. Tell me anything doesn't have to be a fun fact, what's something I don't know about that I should going into this relationship for the second time?" Andy said, wanting to learn something new about Robert.

"Well I don't think this is what you mean but, after you left I slept on the couch for over two weeks, wanting to be there the second you came home. And to this day I still have your dance mom episodes on the DVR taking up space and I still put the dishes in the dishwasher the way you insisted they had to be, even though I still think to this day it's not the correct way." Robert said, getting slightly emotional.

"Robert." Andy said, not knowing what else to say.

"No, no, you don't have to explain, we are past that." Robert said looking at Andy in the eyes, and she knew he meant it.

"Okay, the day of the crisis one training, when I was looking for you. I wanted to tell you that I wanted to try to fix us. But then you gave me the papers which you had signed and left before I had the courage to tell you. That's why I put the papers in the freezer instead of giving them to my lawyer right away." Andy said, looking down at her food, to keep from looking at Robert.

"Oh." Robert said, thinking back to that day it seemed stupid to him that he didn't realize Andy needed to say something to him.

"It's stupid I shouldn't have said anything like you said, we are past this." Andy said, looking at Robert.

"No I'm glad that you said that, we will have to talk about it at one point in the future." Robert said.

After eating they decided to share a desert, both not hungry enough to have a whole one themselves.

"So have I earned a second date?" Robert asked, looking at Andy.

"Ya I think I could fit that into my schedule." Andy said, trying not to smile like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Okay." Robert said, smiling.

Getting home that night, both to their different apartments they both had a new hope for what the future may look like. Excited for this new adventure, a second chance at a great love story.

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