The next day, Abigail decided to see Eurielle for herself.

When she arrived at her residence, she saw Eurielle being surrounded by three other men.

One of them had amber eyes, one had brown hair, and the other one had silver hair. All of them looked at Eurielle with doting eyes.

And it seemed like they were in love with her.

'Didn't she have the prince already?' She gloomed.

Abigail felt a touch of envy. Not only did Eurielle have everything already, but she also had the hearts of few beautiful men.

"So unfair." She grit her teeth.

'Disappear. She needs to disappear.'

"Kill her~"

"She stole your position~"

"She's a villainess~"

"You are the special one~"

"Kill her~"

"You should have everything she possesses~"

"You're the true heroine~"

Abigail heard the voices in her head whispering one thing...

"Kill her~"


It was at that moment that she decided to kill Eurielle.

But before she could even do it, she already found herself kneeling in front of the public, awaiting her execution.

"Execute her!"

"She tried to harm the crown princess!"


The crown pointed fingers at her.

She looked behind her and her family was hanged. And soon, it will be her turn.

Abigail glared at Eurielle. She glared at the prince, and the other three men as well.

Those three men were the reason why she was getting executed today.

No, it was all Eurielle's fault.

"I will kill you. I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

"Hang her." The prince signaled.




When Abigail woke up, she realized that she was back.

Back to before everything started. She became a child once again.

"I'm back. I've been given a second chance."

"Haha! Just you wait Eurielle, I'll take back everything you stole from me. The prince, the crown princess position, your men, and the title of a true heroine!!"

And so Abigail started to follow Eurielle's footsteps.

She stalked her, she took note of everything she did, and observed her actions.

When she left after leaving the amber-eyed boy in the verge of death, she knew she had to take the chance.

"Are you my savior?" Asterion asked.


'I can't miss this opportunity. In order to have him under me, I need to brainwash him.' She looked at the small Asterion.

She grinned for a moment then smiled at him innocently. "Yes! I'm your savior. Did you rest well?"

"I see.." Asterion showed a cute blush.

Abigail needed to have a stronger foundation in order to brainwash the people she needed to. Especialy towards Eurielle.

She needed dark magic.

Abigail was desperate. Eventually, she walked the fobidden path in order to use dark magic.

There was one night when Abigail sneaked in Eurielle's room and performed a dark magic ritual.

That ritual will separate her soul into two different beings. One soul remains in her body, and the other is under her dark magic.

And she had complete manipulation against Eurielle's thoughts and deeds that time.

So it's no wonder that Eurielle acted like a villainess. Because she is under her influence.

'It's his turn.'

"I'm glad I poisoned the prince beforehand. Haha. This turned him into a coward and idiot. HAHA! I'LL COMPLETE MY REVENGE AT THE SAME TIME BE THE CROWN PRINCESS!"

"But it's unfortunate that Asterion escaped my magic and remembered. And also those other two men of hers... They were too strong for me. Anyways, the prince and my position is the only thing that matters for now."

"Because I am the heroine." She smiled.

And the moment Eurielle fell from the tower, she was so happy that she could die.

'Finally-! But... This is it? It was too easy. I feel like something's amiss...'

"Eu-Eurielle- she fell-"

"Shh, my prince. Everything is fine." She hugged the prince and cast dark magic on him to let him sleep.

Abigail kissed his forehead.

"Yes, just like that. You just need to be obedient to me. Because I am now your princess.

Not Eurielle."

Emotionless Princess Where stories live. Discover now