Chapter 27

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It is the end of the lesson. Sarah and Lyanna both have a break. This time, Sarah spends the break in her classroom, something she never does. She didn't feel like talking to anyone. She wanted to be alone for a while. But her friends thought differently. Avery knew Sarah was probably avoiding Lyanna, so she went to her classroom. When Avery saw Sarah lying on her desk with her head down, she knew something was wrong.

"Hey, Sarah! Are you okay?" asked Avery. "No, Avery, I'm not okay. My life is falling apart. Everything is going wrong now, don't you see?" asked Sarah. "Now that you mention it. Not sure I saw it right away. Do you think I'm stupid? You must make it up to Lyanna. Have you seen her today? She looks even worse than you do," Avery said. "I don't have to justify anything, Avery. I just divorced my husband. I need a break," Sarah said. "No Sarah. Lyanna makes you feel good. She makes you happy. She doesn't let you down. She's there for you. She has helped you. And I have seen all of that. Go see her, or should I call her," Avery said. "Just call her and we can talk here," Sarah said. "Good girl Sarah. You won't regret this," Avery said. "We'll see," Sarah said. 

Avery immediately calls Lyanna. When Lyanna answered, Avery told her to come to the classroom to talk to her. And that she needed to hurry. Lyanna thinks it's weird, but she tells Avery that she's coming.

"She's coming. That's my cue to leave. I'll talk to you later," Avery says. "Wait Avery," Sarah said. "What is it, Sarah?" asks Avery. "Thanks for everything," Sarah said. "No problem. I'm here for you. But now I really have to go. Bye Sarah," Avery says. "Goodbye, Avery," Sarah said.

Avery leaves the classroom without looking back. She can see from Sarah that Lyanna makes her very happy. She doesn't want to stand in her way again. It's time to let her go. Avery has already caused too much trouble between Lyanna and Sarah. She goes to the teachers' restroom and begins to cry. This must be very difficult for her. She wants to be happy for Sarah and Lyanna, but her jealousy takes over. And she wishes she wasn't jealous, but she can't stop the feeling.

"Oh hey Sarah, I thought Avery was here. I'll go," Lyanna said. "No Lyanna stop. I wanted to talk to you," Sarah said. "Oh sorry Avery called so I thought she wanted to talk to me. Now that I think about it, that makes sense. But tell me, what did you want to tell me?" said Lyanna. "Lyanna Oostra, I love you. I want to be with you. I want to share my life with you. I can't live without you," Sarah said. "Sarah Timmermans, I love you too. I want to stay with you, I want to hold you. I want to watch a movie with you on the couch at night. I don't want to let you go," Lyanna said. "I'm so happy right now," Sarah said. "You always make me happy, and you always will," Lyanna said.

Lyanna and Sarah walked toward each other and kissed. Passionately. They both missed it so much. The touching, the kissing. As if they were teenagers again. The world around them faded away. They enjoyed this moment so much. Only there were two others who enjoyed this moment a little less. Two other people who looked at this with a little less enthusiasm.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Ellie. "They're kissing? Wow, Sarah's married and now she's standing here kissing a woman," Hailey said. "Do you know who the other woman is? Is it Lyanna?" asks Ellie. "She looks like it. Yes, it is Lyanna. Jeez, colleague to lovers. Really do that at home or something," Hailey says. "Could they both be lesbians? Or bisexual?" asks Ellie. "I don't know. But what I do know is that they are going to regret this," Hailey says. 

Sarah and Lyanna had both heard something. They just didn't know what. They looked down the hall and saw someone running. They didn't know who it was or who they were. They looked at each other in shock."Oh no. We're screwed," they said at the same time. "What are we going to do? What if it was Ellie and Hailey or one of them?" asked Lyanna. "Will do. It's probably not them. And if it was them, what would they do? They can't do anything. We have the power, these little ones don't," Sarah says. "I hope so, otherwise we might have to quit our jobs," Lyanna says. "Just trust me, it will all work out. Even if it was Ellie and Hailey," Sarah said. "You're probably right. I actually have to get back to my class. Will I talk to you again at the next break?" asks Lyanna. "Definitely. Love you," Sarah said. "Love you too," Lyanna said.

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