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I stopped outside my door and turned to Levi, glancing down at my bandaged wrist. He stared at me for a second, his eyes never changing. I thought for sure he was going to say something, but he simply turned to leave.


He stopped, but didn't turn to look at me.


The silence after was deafening. 

"Whatever, just don't get any stupid ideas that I care about you or some shit like that."

With that, he silently disappeared into his room. I followed suit, closing my door with a click behind me. I stared at me bed, thinking over everything. No way I could sleep now. I laid down anyway, hoping sleep would overtake me.

<flashback :p>

As me and my brother approached the clearing in which our little house sat, I could hear my father's voice rising over the tree tops.

"Were the hell are you, you little runt?"

My brother stopped, as though thinking before turning to me and getting down on my level.

"Y/n, sweetie, maybe you should stay here with your puppy. Think of a name for him."

I looked at him, confused, but nodded. I sat down on the ground, my puppy in my arms, as I watched my brother step into the clearing and disappear into the house.

I could hear yelling and shouting coming from inside, most of which was unintelligible.

"...Where is she?"

More yelling.

"...She's just a little girl!"

My puppy licked my nose. "What should I name you?" Hmmm... Oh! What about Stevie?"

He licked my nose again.

Suddenly a gun shot rang through the air, startling some birds near by.

Hopeless love (Levi x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now