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I lazily strolled out of the mess hall, hands in pockets, contemplating what to do with my free hour.

*I could walk through town. But than I'd get comments from the civilians. Dumbasses can't even fight. I could go back to my room and do some cleaning. But that's a waste of free time.* 

After some more thought, I decided to take a walk through the woods. 

No people.

 I walked into the thick woods, leaves and twigs that had fallen into the path crunching under my feet. I looked around at the tall majestic trees of all kinds. The small white flowers peeking up between the green grass as a light breeze blew through the branches of the trees, making a small rustling sound. 

It was surprising that this much could grow so close to the wall which I knew I would come across fairly quickly if I was to change direction. I walked in silence, enjoying my time without screaming cadets. 

I liked the woods. It was my happy place. Me and my mother would take walks through the woods all the time when I was little.

~ flashback :b ~

"Y/n! Slow down!" Mother yelled. She ran up to me panting. "You can't just run off like that in the woods honey."

"Sorry mother..." 

Her face softened. "It's okay pumpkin. Why did you run off?"

"I saw a bird mother. It was a little blue one."

She knelt down to my level. "Did you catch up to it?" She asked, her usual playful smile glowing across her face. Her smile was special. The way her eyes shown in the light. Her smile was a safe place.

"Mhm! He's right up there!" I pointed my small finger up into a near by tree as a small, blue bird stopped at a little brown nest with a worm in his beak. 

"oooohhh. It looks like he might have some babies up there!" My mother said.

"Birds have babies too?" I asked, a little confused.

"Yes they do," My mother said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "and just like a human, he'll feed them and take care of them until they are old enough to be on their own."

She gave me a playful smirk. "And just like me if anyone tries to hurt my little baby bird, they'll have to face the consequences!" She snatched me onto her lap and tickled my sides. I laughed until I could laugh no more. We both sighed and laid back in the grass.

"Mommy?" I asked.

"Yes princess?"

"Am I your baby bird?"

"Always my baby bird."

~ end flashback :b ~

Those were good times. Perfect times. Until the titans came. That damn titan. I could still see it's stupid face. It ruined everything. It took her from me. 

I clenched my fists at my sides as I continued on.

I'm not sure how long I walked before I stopped.

*I should head back* I told myself. *I don't want to be late for the meeting and deal with Captain short ass*

I turned around, but before I could take three steps in the derection I came, a loud explosion rang in my ears.  "What the hell was that?" 

I went from a shuffle to a full sprint in the derection of the compound. I was there within minutes to witness what had happened. Cadets ran about wildly, yelling and screaming at each other. I spotted Mikasa and ran to her at full speed barely grabbing hold of her shoulder as she ran past. 

"What happened?" 

She slowed and spun, mid sprint "A titan has breached the wall." And as fast as she stopped, she was gone. 


I spun to see who yelled my name, even though I had a fairly good idea who it was. It's pretty hard to mistake that monotone voice.

"Get your 3 dm gear and get your ass up to the wall."

I nodded in response, as Levi whipped past me. 

"gEt  YoUr  3 dM  gEaR, aNd  gEt  YoUr  AsS uP  tO the WaLl." I mocked as I headed for the suply building.

This was going to be a long day.

Hopeless love (Levi x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now