Titans part 2

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"What do we do now?" I asked, not a hundred percent sure why I asked. I don't really care about Levi's opinion. 

He sighed, messaging his temples. "We need to fight the titans long enough for Yeager to patch the hole in the wall."

"Ummm... How is Yeager supposed to patch the wall by himself?"

"He's done it before."


Levi opened his mouth to answer, but  an explosion from behind stopped him. We both covered our faces as a bright light and smoke came straight at us, along with a huge gust of wind that knocked me off my feet. I flew over the edge of the wall, letting out a small yelp as I did. Thankfully, my 3dm lines hooked into the wall. I fell about twenty feet before I slowed and came to a complete stop. I panted, calming myself from the slight fall as I dangled several feet above open titian mouths. I heard rushed foot steps above me. I looked up to see Levi peering over the edge of the wall at me. 

"Ya alright?" He called down to me. 

I nodded. "What the hell was that?"


"What did he do?"


This guy has an issue with minimalism.

I sighed. "Changed into what? a unicorn?"

"A titian dumbass."

"Okay, you've gotta stop acting like I'm the stupid one. Wait, did you say a titan?"

"Yes ma'am."

Just as Levi answered, a huge titan flew over the wall and to the other side, it's foot almost taking me to the ground with it. 

"How long were you planning on waiting before you told me this?" I yelled.

"I thought you knew. How was I supposed to know the cadets didn't tell you?"

"Well it is kinda your job. ya know, being the captain and all."

Levi opened his mouth again to answer, but Mikasa's voice grabbed our attention. 

"Stop arguing and do your jobs." She said with a exasperated tone of voice. 

Levi's face tightened as his eye twitched. I couldn't tell if he was upset that a cadet told him what to do, or that he was interrupted again.  Without so much as a glance, he jumped from the wall, flying past me. He swung around slicing a 15 meter.

I huffed, angry the conversation was unfinished, but followed, slicing titan after titan.

I landed on the wall again. * we should be done by now. where are all of these tians coming from?*

I had killed at least twelve by now, but every time one went down, it was like six more took it's place. "Hurry up Yeager..."


I snapped my attention to the near by voice. 

Levi was swinging though the air, killing titans left and right. Without so much as glancing at me, he said, "The titans seem to be coming from the woods. Take Armin, and Mikasa with you and try to find where they're coming from." Another titan hit the ground, it's blood splattering up and dotting my face. Levi was soaked with steaming titan blood. It dripped from his hair on to his once white shirt. I hesitated. If we left he would be here alone. My train of thought was cut short.

 "Now l/n!"

I straightened, and with a curt nod, took off in the direction of the woods with Armin and Mikasa right behind me. This was going to be an even longer day than I expected.


Hope y'all like this chapter! I'm not home right now so I'll add a photo when I can get back to my computer. Until next time!

Hopeless love (Levi x female reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt