Chapter 20. Young Hearts

Start from the beginning

"What, and be lied to?" Daniel asked

"You know, you're pretty rude." Ali said as they continued to walk. Rebecca had to admit, Daniel was being pretty rude.

"How could you tell? You live in a world full of rude people. I just want you and your pals to leave me alone okay?" Daniel said as he stalked off.

Ali turned to her best friends. Rebecca gave her a look of sympathy, while Susan and Barbara just rolled their eyes at Daniel

As the day progressed, Ali and Daniel avoided one another like the plague, and both were miserable, which didn't go unnoticed by their best friend. Rebecca tried to talk to Daniel, but he wouldn't listen to her either.

At the end of the day, Rebecca finally had enough of his sulking. Just like her grandmother Mary, she had a temper when she needed it, and right now, it was coming out. Grabbing Daniel by the arm, she pulled him into an empty classroom. "Hey, what's the big idea?" an annoyed Daniel questioned

Rebecca rolled her eyes and retorted, "Daniel, you're being ridiculous. Give Ali a chance to explain what happened."

"I'm not being ridiculous about anything, Becca. There's nothing to explain. I know what I saw." Daniel said

"Which is?" Rebecca questioned

"Her lips locked with that jerk's." Daniel said.

Rebecca shook her head, then replied, "Daniel, I was there, you can believe what you want, but you didn't see what happened afterward. Did you not notice the bandage on her wrist? She sprained her wrist punching him in the jaw. Look, I'll meet you at Mr. Miyagi's, but you can think about what I've said."

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Later that night, a small celebration was in motion for Daniel's birthday at Mr. Miyagi's, and Mr. Miyagi and Rebecca were in attendance. As Daniel and Rebecca sat at the table, Mr. Miyagi carried a cake for Daniel.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Daniel-San. Happy birthday to you." Mr. Miyagi sang and Rebecca hugged his arm. "Make a wish." he and Rebecca both said

"Oh wow. I know what I'm wishing for." Daniel said, then inhaled sharply before blowing out all the candles, then Mr. Miyagi and Rebecca smiled and clapped and she hugged him

"Very good, Daniel-san. Here." Mr. Miyagi said reaching under the table picking up a neatly wrapped box and handing it to Daniel. "Number 1 present."

"Oh Mr. Miyagi, what'd you do? You didn't have to do this." Daniel said as he unwrapped the box and pulled out a white gi with a bonsai tree printed on the back. "Mr. Miyagi this is great. Where did this come from anyway?" he asked as he ran his fingers over the material

"Mrs. Miyagi make long time ago." Mr. Miyagi said. Rebecca smiled softly as she placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"If you ever want this patch back, I'll understand." Daniel said running his hand over the bonsai patch

"I know you understand. Try on." Mr. Miyagi said

Mr. Miyagi and Rebecca helped Daniel slide the gi over his shoulders. "Do you think I stand a chance at this tournament?" Daniel asked as he adjusted the gi

"Doesn't matter what Miyagi think. Miyagi not fighting." Mr Miyagi said

"I just don't know if I know enough karate." Daniel said

"Feeling correct." Mr. Miyagi said. "You get license?" Mr. Miyagi asked

"Yeah, yeah." Daniel said and pulled out his wallet, then a small photo of him and Ali together fell out of his wallet. Mr. Miyagi saw the picture, picked it up, and looked at it.

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