Return of Thunder Part 3

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

At Storm Chargers there is a massive crowd trying to find stuff to keep themselves warm. "Do you have another pair? I can't even get my hands in them." Asks a customer "They're my last pair, how about motocross gloves they keep you warm and they look cool too." Says Kelly as he nods "Great I'll be right back. Dustin, Paige you better have a good reason for not being here today or you are fired. Who am I kidding? Paige runs this place more than I do."

Back on the island

"Is it just me or is it starting to get seriously cold." Says Dustin as they walk down the beach. "Yeah most of the time I would say it was just you but it is definitely getting colder here. Do you think it's Paige's powers?" "It could be but I'm pretty sure she would shoot her elements at us directly." Says Hunter "I'd really like to know why we can morph but we can't reach Ninja Ops." Says Tori "I think Paige has said it's something to do with our connection to the morphing grid." Says Hunter "Yeah well I'll settle for knowing where we are?" "Portico island." Says Blake causing the winds to look at him. "What?" "Anything else you would like to share with the group." "Nah, you don't want to know, trust me." "Trust us, we do." Says Tori "I heard Lothor talking to his pals just before he sent us back to earth and this place doesn't exist on any map and it rises from the sea like once every 200 years or something." "And then what?" "You probably aren't going to like it." Says Hunter "well that's the part that's kind of harsh." "You're telling us this whole place is sinking back into the ocean." "I knew they would want to know." "I told you you didn't want to know." "We better find some high ground, come on."

At Ninja Ops

"I'm getting something. That must be them. Dad look at the I tracked the heat signatures from the satellite photos and I think I found the rangers." " That's good news son." Says Sensei "Not entirely they are on a sinking island and they're not alone."

With Paige 

"Urghhh Blake, Hunter where are you? Must destroy those traitors!" Says Paige "That's right the thunder rangers are the enemy lead me right to them." Says Choobo watching Paige "Must destroy Hunter and Blake!"

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