Return of Thunder Part 1

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

On the tv a video of Dustin and Paige racing on the motocross track can be seen "Yeah Dustin! You and paige look really good out there." "Now all I gotta do is get some factory dudes to see the tape." And Dustin pauses the tape as a guy walks up to them "Hi there I'm looking for Kelly Holloway or Paige Scott." "Oh sorry she's out at the moment, can I help you?" Says Dustin standing up from the couch "Dude you're.." "Roger Hannah, nice to meet you." "Who's Roger Hannah?" Asks Tori "Five time moto champ has more wins than anybody on the planet minus Paige." "That might be a stretch but you're right about Paige she always gives me a run for my money when we used to race." "No way I didn't know you two used to race. But you're the team manager for factory blue. Oh but wait a minute um uh where is it? Here here watch this tape I've been busting some super fast lap time." "Maybe another time I'm looking for a couple of guys in particular I hear they ride with Paige at the local sometimes." "Uh don't tell me um one big guy one not so big guy both insanely fast." "So you know them?" Asked Roger "Blake and Hunter you could say we know them." "Then you can tell me where to find them." " I really wish I could." Said Tori " yeah she does dude trust me she got this thing for.." "Don't go there." "Well here's my card. If you run into them, have them call me. It's important and tell Paige to call me to see when I can watch her race."says Roger as he hands Dustin his card  "Yeah okay sure thing later. Wow can you believe Roger Hannah. Tori?" Said Dustin looking around not seeing the girl standing beside him anymore "Tori?" Called Dustin before he stopped and saw she was over by his bike. "Hey hey what are you doing?" "I'm borrowing your bike." "Oh no you see the way that usually works is that you ask me first and then I think about it for like half a second and then tell you the only way I would let you ride my race bike is if you tied me down and tortured me." "You really want it to come to that?" "Tori I just did a prep, it's perfect." "Look I really miss Blake and riding makes me feel like he's still around since Cam keeps the Tsunami cycles under lock and key this is as good as it gets. Please." "Alright fine but if you bind the bars or you break the shifter off you have to..." "Fix it without Paige's help." "Yes." "I know."  "Don't worry Tori, I'll help you if you need it." Said Paige as she walked into Storm Chargers. This caused the two ninjas to turn and look at her in shock before both their faces turned into big smiles. "Paige! You're home." Said Tori running to her friend and hugging her. "Dude I didn't know you were coming back today!" Said Dustin as he hugged his little sister tightly. "Now why am I having to help Tori fix your bike can't you do that on your own Dustin." Asked Paige "No she just misses Blake and feels more connected to him when she rides." Says Dustin rolling his eyes "Well I could understand that whenever I miss one of you guys I would do any activities that we did together. Like surfing, racing, or even skateboarding. So Tori, go have fun." "Thanks Paige you're the best. I promise to catch up more when I get back." Tori looks at her friends as Dustin just pretends to be mad at Paige but pulls her into a hug anyway.
With Blake and Hunter
"Are you sure he said here?" "Yeah, maybe he forgot or got lost. He's not technically an intelligent life form" As the two brothers stand on top of a hill looking to be made of sand. But son Choobo appears in the middle of the hill losing his balance and falls backwards. "I don't think." Says Blake as the two brothers run down the hill after him. "Oh I think I got sand on my nose." "Come on get up." "All right, we're here just like you said." "This better be worth the hike." Said Hunter who would rather be somewhere else at the moment. "Oh it will be you see I've made a life-altering decision that will affect the entire balance of power in the universe." "Are you for real?" Asked Blake "I've decided to leave Lothor's army."  "Leave?' "Defect, turn over a new leaf and go to the light side." "Who says the light side will want you?" Says Hunter "because bitter ex employees have all sorts of information, classified files, secret passwords to get in places. Get it?" Says Choobo "Like Lothor's ship." Blake says, looking towards his brother. "Possibly." "What's in it for you?" Questioned Hunter "Like I said I'm bitter and I want payback for all the nasty things they said about me. What do you say?" And the two brothers look at each other. "If you don't believe me you can bring along the gold ranger. We all know her powers will defeat me in no time." This causes Hunter to clench his fist. "We will let you know in a few hours." Blake says and Choobo nods before teleporting back to Lothor's ship. "We can't bring Paige into this; she might get hurt." Says Hunter looking at his brother. "I don't want her in this more than you do but we need to talk to the rangers. Come on, you can see Paige." Says Blake as the two brothers ninja streak back to Blue Bay Harbour.
Back at Storm Chargers Shane is walking in the store with no idea that Paige is back in town. "Dude I just saw Tori out front." Says Shane to Dustin who is standing behind to counter as Paige hides. "Loading my pride and joy into her van I know." "Chill out Dustin, it's not that big of a deal." Says Paige as she pops up from behind the counter scaring Shane before his face is filled with joy "Paige you're back!" And Paige runs around the counter and jumps into Shanes arms and hugs him as she had missed her team a lot while she was gone. After a few more minutes and more hugs from both boys they are back on the previous topic. "But dude you never even let me ride your bike." "Yeah but Tori and Paige both hit harder than you do." "Good point." Paige just shakes her head at the two. "Well I'm glad you learned your lesson Dustin. But I've gotta go. I will see you at Ops later okay?" And the two boys said bye as Paige walked out the store. Paige decides to go to a cliff that overlooks the beach for some quiet time.  "Some things never change. After all these years cliffs like these are one of your favorite places." Says a voice causing Paige to turn around. "Hunter?" Says Paige before running and jumping into Hunter's arms with tears rolling down her face "I have missed you so much." Cried Paige "I know I have missed you too princess. So has Blake but we all needed time." "I know but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard." "Of course it was hard but I am here now and I'm staying even if Blake wants to go. I'm not leaving you ever again." And Paige gave him a peck on the cheek before grabbing his hand so he could sit on the ground with her looking at the ocean. "Hunter, what other reason did you come back." And Hunter sighed knowing he could never keep anything from Paige. "Blake and I were contacted by Choobo." This causes Paige to look at Hunter waiting for him to continue "he says that he wants to join the good side and help us get into Lothors ship. We could free all the ninjas from all the ninja schools." Says Hunter as he tries to read Paige's face. "Hunter, are you sure that he truly wants to change?" "No I'm not but if we can help all those ninjas return to their families it would be worth it." "I agree that we need to save the ninjas but I also need to talk to the other rangers and Sensei about this." "Of course but one last thing I haven't told you yet. Choobo wants you to come." "Me?" "Yeah he says that way there will be someone with powers who can defeat him in a few seconds. But I will not be the one to put you at risk again." And Paige grabbed either side of Hunter's face forcing him to look at her "Hunter it is my decision on if I go with you or not so don't try to blame yourself for anything that happens to me. I'm a power ranger. It's my job to help protect the earth and those who are on it." "You're amazing, you know that." Says Hunter "Well a girl can try." as the two just sit in silence glad to finally see each other again.
With Tori she is riding around enjoying her time on Dustin's bike before another biker comes up behind her scaring her. But whatever Tori did he would not get off her tail before she ran into a log and was thrown from the bike. "Hey what's the deal?" Asked Tori as she took off her helmet to see Blake. "Blake? What you totally freaked me out. I thought you were one of Lothor's goons." "Since when do they ride dirt bikes?" Asked Blake "You never know. Where have you been anyway you barely call, no letter." "You missed me didn't you?" "No." "Yeah you did, I can tell." "I don't like you anymore and I'm never talking to you ever again."  Said Tori looking away from Blake with a smile. "Oh yeah eve is I had a way to get into Lothor's ship?" Says Blake causing Tori's smile to drop and her to look at Blake
At Ninja Ops
"I don't buy it. Why would Choobo all of a sudden decide to turn good" Says Shane "I must agree with Shane. It sounds far too convenient." Says Sensei "I questioned Hunter on the same thing but he says it is worth it if we can save the students. plus Choobo says that I need to be there." Says Paige "I don't think you should do it." Says Cam "look Hunter and Blake said they're going with Paige to check it out even if they get in the ship they won't attack until they can bring us in for backup." "Fine Paige you may go but be careful." Says Sensei "Yes Sensei." Said Paige as she bowed before hugging her friends and ninja streaking to join Blake and Hunter. "Good, then that gives us time." Says Dustin "time for what?" "For you to fix my bike miss freestyle no hand landing." "It wasn't that bad. I just rolled a little spill." Said Tori "Maybe not that bad if Paige was fixing it." Said Shane "Yeah the fenders facing backwards." "All right." Said Tori
Paige, Blake, and Hunter all Ninja streaked onto Lothor's ship as soon as they landed Choobo puts a hand on their shoulders causing the brothers to punch him and Paige to flip him on his back. "That's what you get for sneaking up on people." "Especially trying to sneak up on three ninjas." Says Paige "Sorry." "Dude you seriously need to work on your entrances." Said Blake "Follow me he's taking a nap." And they all follow Choobo as Hunter grabs Paige's hand. Lothor is on his chair snore away when they walk in the room "we'll take it from here." "Fine by me." "He's out like a light. Please be Careful." Said Paige as they made their way closer to Lothor before his eye are open "Surprise!" And all these Kelzaks pop out of no where and attack the three ninja. Paige was trying her best to hold her own until she saw the two brothers get thrown by the Kelzaks causing her to become distracted but the brothers luckily caught her and they all stood in a fighting position. "We need to contact the rangers." Said Paige to the brothers they nodded by not before Lothor said "Don't just stand there the beam." And Choobo hit the beam trapping all three of them in a beam where they remained frozen. "Gotcha." "Never trust an evil space ninja."
"Hello? Hello in there anybody home. Candy gram for the pretty golden ranger. Miss golden ranger?" Said Choobo waving his hands in front of the ninja's faces. Lothor laughed in happiness "Well done Choobo or should I say general Choobo." This caused his nieces to gasp "General did you just say general Choobo I can't believe it." "That makes two of us." Grumbled Zuragne "Yes Choobo you're the only one around here who truly understands and was able to catch the traders as well as the powerful golden ninja. Now tell me the rest of your plan." Said Lothor "the rest uh I kind of figured that was it I mean I'm going into overtime on this one as it is." "Choobo, I'm waiting." "Yeah." "Right okay well how about uh well um..." "don't look at me general." Said Zuragne "All right here we fill them full of candy and turn them into piñata's." But Lothor did not look happy "All right scratch that how about this we erase their memories no give them new memories. Put an alien mind warp on them and just make them think the wind ninjas are their sworn enemies." "That's ridiculous. They failed us enough. Let's set them adrift in space for all of eternity. Then we won't have to deal with the gold ranger ever again." Said Zuragne "No. I like it. It's clean, simple to the point, plus we have the golden ranger on our side. Let's go with it." "What?" Said a frustrated Zuragne
"Have you ever noticed that general Choobo is kind of a babe." Asked Marah "Don't even think about it Marah he's mine and I don't share." Said Kapri
Back on Earth
Choobo is talking to a monster. "Okay Toxiepod do exactly as I say remember I'm in charge here." "Yes general."
At Storm Chargers, Hunter, Blake, and Paige are seen talking to Roger Hannah "I'm so glad that I was able to see you again. Hey and I will race you next time you are in town." Says Paige as she hugs Roder and he shakes hands with Blake and Hunter before leaving Storm Chargers. Dustin walks up to the three as Hunter pulls Paige closer to him. "Hey so what did you guys sign? Factory blue, that's crazy." "We'll catch you later." as the two brothers try to walk away with Paige in between them guarding her protectively. "You guys wanna hang, we just got those new rubber stop triple clamps in. Or we could all go racing and let Paige beat us like usual." Said Dustin noticed how distracted Paige was. "We'll pass." Said Blake as the three of them walked out of the store. "What about? Don't you guys think we have some things we need to talk about. Paige, what's wrong?" Exclaimed Dustin
Back at Ninja Ops
"Have they told you their plan? Or have you talked to Paige." Asked Shane as him and Tori were fighting each other "They said they'd let us know what happened. I trust them and I haven't talked to Paige." "If they are Blake and Hunter you might want to rethink that." Said Dustin walking in. "What's up?" "I just saw them at the shop and they just totally blew me off and were extremely protective of me being around Paige. I don't know it's like deja vu all over again." "Technically that's impossible Dustin." Said Cam "Whatever man I'm telling you these guys are suffering from a major brain fade okay it's like our little adventure in the cavern of lost souls never even happened. Plus Paige was not acting like herself when I walked up." "But I thought we were all cool." Said Tori with a frown "Yeah and like those guys are ever reliable." "Speaking of reliable I think someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." Said Cam as a monster was seen causing panic in the city. "Where does Lothor get these losers?" "Go I'll try and contact Paige." Said Cam "Do you want to say it or should I?" "Ready?" Said Shane "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Water! Air! Earth!" The three wind rangers ninja streak to where the distress signal was coming from. "I don't see anything." Says Shane "I hate to bring it up but this is always how it starts." Says Tori as smoke starts rising from the ground surrounding them. "Brutal smog alert. Where is this dude?" "Yo alien!" Says Shane as the three of them get hit and thrown to the ground. "I rest my case." "Well if it isn't the world famous power rangers you know you look taller on tv." Says the alien stepping out of the fog.
"Anyone ever tell you you look uglier in person?" Said Dustin. "What is this attack of the giant snail?"
"Not a problem!" And the wind ninja get into fighting positions. From a distance Hunter, Blake, and Paige are seen watching the battle. "There they are." "Let's teach them a lesson." "It's show time!" And Hunter shot crimson lighting at the wind rangers. The rangers look to see Paige and the two thunder rangers looking down on them. "Hey, remember us?" "You guys?" "What are you doing?" "Yeah, and Paige, what are you doing with them?" And Paige and the brothers jump down and run towards the wind rangers and each start fighting them. Shane is fighting Hunter, Blake is fighting Tori, and Dustin is fighting Paige. "Hunter stop! I don't want to fight you." Said Shane "You don't have much of a choice." Said Hunter as he threw Shane on to the ground. "Blake stop, can we not talk about this?" Said Tori as she dodged his weapon. "I'm through talking." And Blake sends Tori flying through the air. "Yo Paige you know I never beat you in training right?" As she uses an elemental strike which barely misses. "Time to split!" And two yellow ninjas can be seen fighting Paige. However Paige uses her magic and causes the clone to disappear. "No fair, we haven't practiced with magic yet." Says Dustin before Paige blasts him causing him to roll several feet away. "Maybe a nice shower will cool you off." Says Tori to Blake but he pulls out a shield which causes the water to throw Tori off her feet. "Tori you ok?" Says Shane as he helps her to her feet. "Hey watch out!" As the thunders and Paige start walking towards the winds. "Let's finish this!" Says Blake "Crimson Blaster!" "Manatee Bow and Arrows!" And the wind ninjas flip out of the way. "Wait, come back I'm just getting gassed up." Says the snail before he changes to fog and starts chasing the rangers. "Come on, let's get this over with!" Says Hunter "Right!" "Let's go!" Says Paige before she starts falling to the ground and the two brothers catch her. "Hey what's wrong?" Says Hunter "I don't know but Hunter it hurts." Says Paige as her visor opens up and tears are rolling down her face. After a few minutes go by the pain slowly starts to go away and Paige could fully stand up now "Baby are you okay?" Said Hunter "I'm fine, let's go before they get away." And the three tan after the wind rangers. "Where are we going?" Asked Dustin "Away from that Stanky smell." Said Shane "Works for me." Said Tori as they ran. "You can't run from my furious fumes rangers." And he surrounded them in fog and knocked them off of the side of the building "it fully reeks."
"This gas is a total blast." Says the alien with a laugh. "This guys stinking up my whole day." Says Shane as he slowly gets up. "I think he needs to be smog checked." "You got that right!" Says Tori and Dustin as they get up from the ground. "All right, how about we put the wind in wind rangers!" "Yeah!" "Oh yeah, like I'm afraid of a little wind." Says the alien "Then come on down." "Unless you're too chicken." Says Tori "Don't be selfish cole on." "Oh no it is so on stand back!" Andbthe alien jumps down to the same level as the rangers. "Morning breath!" And the rangers were coughing because of the bad smelling smoke he sprayed at them. "Try a mint. Ready?" "Yeah!" "Let's put 'em in the spin cycle." And the three of them stand back to back and link their arms and start to spin really fast causing strong winds to form. "No fair I'm supposed to trash you." Says the alien as several boxes are thrown at him. "Ninja sword power up!" Says Shane as he slashes his sword at the fog alien causing him to fly out of the building. "Storm Striker!" "Uh-oh." "Fire!" And the blast destroys the alien. "Y'all's got to go yo!"
On Lothors ship
"Typical that's what I get for not taking out the extended warranty on that pile of space junk. Oh well live and learn. Scroll of Empowerment Descend!"
"I told you both I am okay." Said paige as she sighed. "Already but you better not be lying to us." Said Hunter "Okay let's go." Says Blake but is stopped by Hunter "Wait!" And all three of them looked to see the snail giant.
"A big giant alien now there's a surprise." Says Tori
"All right, Cam your thoughts?" "I'm thinking Megazord." "Me too." And the wind rangers all run to the zords as they appear and form a megazord. "You're about to get shell shocked." Says the Alien as he starts to spin towards the Megazord. "Lightning Megazord power up!" "Right!" And the Megazords transform into lightning mode. "You want some more?" And the alien goes to attack again. "Ramp attack!" And the rangers start spinning towards the alien and knock him to the ground. "Lightning mode power down." But the thunders and Paige arrive in their zords. "It's our turn." "On it!" "Let's show them what real zord power is." As Paige controls both the  Dragonzord and her Manatee zord. "Oh great the bugs are back and we don't even know what Paige's zords can do." But the three of them suddenly stop. "Hey what's the matter?" "I feel weird." "Yeah, something's not right." "Why are we fighting?" "I feel it too." Says Blake "Where am I?" Questioned Hunter "Blake? Hunter?" Called Paige just as confused.
On Lothors ship
"What's wrong? Why are they stopping?" Asks Lothor as he turns to Choobo. "Don't worry sir, I'll take care of it." And Choobo shoots a beam down that hits the brothers and Paige. "What was I thinking? Let's crush them." Said Hunter "My thoughts exactly." Replied Paige "With you all the way."
"Power Sphere!" "Serpent Sword!" The sword appeared as did to other megazords and each took a slash at the snail and he fell to the ground in an explosion. "The snails escargot." "Now it's our turn." Said Blake as Paige nodded. "No mercy." "Thunder Megazord online!" "Initiate sequence." "DragonMana Megazord! Zords Combine!" The thunders and the wind each stop each other's swords and stand there before Paige comes up and Kicks the storm megazord away. "Two versus one hardly seems fair." Says Tori "not to mention Paige is on their side we can't beat her during spar now you want to add zords." Said Dustin. "Focus, we need to figure out what's wrong with Paige and the brothers." Said Shane. The two evil megazords keep attacking the storm megazord leaving no room for recovery. Choobo is watching the battle from the ground "Whoa! I can't believe this is actually working. I hope you like the beach cause that's where you're heading." And he sends a blast towards the remains of the snail which causes an explosion which affects all of the megazord. All of the rangers get teleported out of their zords. "I guess I forgot to tell you the rest of my plan my bad."
At Ninja Ops
"The megazords is offline there's no one on board." Said Cam "Are you able to locate the rangers?" Asked Sensei "It's like they vanished into thin air like they were never even there. I can't even locate the emergency tracker that Paige always keeps on her."
Back on Lothors ship
"Yes! Now that's an evil plan. I hope you were taking notes Zurgane." "But uh of course sir." Said Zurgane "oh Choobo this is my number there's a great UFO movie showing at the multiplex." Says Kapri "sorry I already have a date." Says Choobo as he throws her number away. "With who?" Questioned Kapri as she turns around and sees said person getting ready for her date. "MARAH!"
Back in Ninja Ops
"I've tried everything there's just no sign of them anywhere." Says Cam with a look of worry on his face. "Dad, what is wrong with Paige and the thunders?" But Sensei could not answer because he did not know.
With the rangers
Shane can be seen waking up on some rocks on a beach. He struggles to get but looks around at his surroundings. "Hello? Guys? Where am I?"
On another part of the island Paige starts to wake up. She gasps awake "hey you're okay." Said Gubter as he helped slow down her breathing. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Asks Blake and Paige just shook her head no. The three of them just look around in silence not knowing where they are.

To be continued......

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