Snip it, Snip it Good

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

In Ninja Ops the rangers are training with Sensei

"Remember a ninjas greatest enemy is himself." And digital replicas of the wind rangers appeared in front of the three. "You may begin." Said Sensei as the three rangers just looked at their replicas in front of them unsure of what they are suppose to do. "Oh okay okay no k get this ninja staring contest right." Said Dustin who started a staring contest with his double. "Um, maybe we're supposed to fight." Said Shane looking at himself while Tori just looked at herself puzzled. "Okay dude you know what I don't care how good looking you are you're still going down." Said Dustin to his clone as he got into a fighting position as did Shane. The two sets of boys started fighting while Tori just stood there "This can't be what Sensei meant."

"Come on." Said Shane challenging himself. "You guys I really don't think we're supposed to be fighting ourselves." Said a Tori as the boys kept fighting neither able to get the best of their replica. "That's it isn't it." Said Tori to her replica with a smile realizing what the lesson truly was. Her clone winked at her before disappearing while Shane and Dustin were both sent to the ground by their replicas before they disappeared. "Why is it so hard for guys to follow directions? This is why Paige is my favorite." Says Tori as Cam is seen walking into Ninja Ops and going over to where all the ninja scrolls are. "Ah well I'm tougher than I thought I was." "I can't believe I kicked my own butt." Said Dustin. "Congratulations Tori." Said Sensei "Tori what?" "Tori what she didn't even do anything." Complained Dustin. " precisely. He who battles himself can never emerge victorious." "Ninjas basics 101." Said Cam holding up a scroll. "Oh yeah right I must have been sick that day." Said Dustin "Sometimes caution is what wins the day. This is why it will be Tori who seeks the Jade Turtle." "So why do we need this turtle thing anyway." "Well when we revived the zords several key power spheres were kept hidden." "Only to be retrieved when you mastered the skills necessary to do so." "I hope I don't let you down, Sensei. But why not Paige." Said Tori "Trust in yourself. Your inner ninja will show you the way. And Paige is not back yet we are not positive when she will return." "And this is in case your inner ninja gets lost." Says Cam handing Tori a scroll "Thanks Cam." "Hey Tori. You'll be great." "Thanks." Said Tori as she walked out of Ninja Ops. "So um what do we do while Tori's turtle hunting?" "I'm glad you brought that up Dustin. I have a special ninja project for the two of you." Said Sensei as the two ninjas smiled in victory.

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