Part 10

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One day Sabrina got a call from her husband and her husband told her to come to Daegu. Her husband is coming back from the US to Daegu in 14 days.

Sabrina didn't tell me this. She told Taehyung about this.

one day at the dining table...

Taehyung: *to me* I am sending Sabrina to Daegu.

Sasha: What...

Sabrina: Yes, Sasha.

Sasha: Don't joke, please.

Taehyung: I am not joking. I am sending Sabrina to Daegu.

Sasha: Ohh... now I got it, Eonnie.

Sabrina: What do you mean?

Sasha: You want me to stay alone with this Taehyung and get him married to me, right? *To Taehyung* This is what you also wanted, right? I hate you both. 

Sabrina: *yelling at me* Sasha...

Taehyung: *to Sabrina* Noona... please...

Sasha: wow... look at your love. I know you both are framing me in this. I can't believe you both.

I got angry and I left the house and sat in the garden. 

In the house... Taehyung and Sabrina is talking to each other.

Sabrina: Taehyung-ah... I think I have to tell her the truth.

Taehyung: Noona.. no. If you tell her she will think that you are going to leave her permanently here and you will move to the US. She will get depressed. She might even run away. 

Sabrina: Yes. You are right. You are so understanding. Thank you very much.

Taehyung: Noona... Let me handle it until things become normal outside for her. I will protect her.

Sabrina: but Taehyung, it will leave a bad image of you in her mind. How will you propose to her?

Taheyung: Noona... propose? What are you talking about?

Sabrina: I know that you love her so much. I just don't want her to think bad about you. You are doing so much for her. She will be very happy with you. You always provide her with so many things and the love, and the care you take of her. I know about you, Taehyung-ah.

Taehyung: Thank you for supporting, Noona. When I feel like it's the right time, I will propose to her. 

Sabrina: Okay. But take care, okay? She still doesn't like you that much. 

Taehyung: I will handle it, Noona. Don't worry.

I heard the last thing when Taehyung said " I will propose to her when the time is right"  from outside and came inside...

Sasha: *to Taehyung and Sabrina* wow... I knew that you are framing me to marry him. I was right.

Sabrina: Sasha.. be quiet... you don't know anything.

Sasha: You think that I am still a kid? No. I am not a kid. 

Taehyung: Sasha... Be polite to her.

Sasha: * to Taehyung* I am talking to my sister.. please don't interfere. You are very good at kidnapping me and now you are trying to marry me. You, don't talk. You are a molester. That's why you made me sleep in your bedroom with you, right? Do you think I am a prostitute or a woman who you can use because you have so much money?

Sabrina slapped me and yelled at me " shut up"

I cried and said, " I hate you both". And I went to the bedroom and locked the door.

Taehyung came up and was worried that I might harm myself. He kept banging on the door.

Sabrina came and told Taehyung " Leave her alone for some time"

That day I didn't open the door at all.

I slept and woke up in the morning and went down stairs.

I had my breakfast with everyone. I didn't talk to both of them.

Taehyung went to his company and was thinking about how to deal with me. 

Sabrina got a call from her husband. The call was on the loudspeaker...

Sabrina: Yes. I am ready. I will leave in the afternoon today.

Sabrina's husband: Take care of the baby and yourself, okay? Call me when you reach Daegu. I will come and take you home and we will go to Busan from there. 

Sabrina: Okay. 

Sabrina's husband: Take care, love.

Sabrina: yep. 

She cuts the call and comes out of her bedroom and sees me near the door...

Sabrina: Sasha... I was going to tell you about it...

Sasha: *Showing my palm to her* Don't say anything. I understood everything. I understood that you are leaving me alone in this house and going now. 

Sabrina: Sasha....

I left from there. I went to Taheyung's mini pub in the house and took a liquor bottle from there. 

I started drinking in front of Sabrina.

Sabrina tried to stop me many times.

I didn't stop and kept drinking the whole bottle.

 Sabrina called Taehyung home.

I was so drunk and I went to the living room and started talking to Sabrina " I know that you are leaving me now here alone in this house. You hate me now, right? Nobody loves me."

Taehyung came to the house. As soon as I saw him I started talking to him " Jagiya... you came home? Come come come... Let me serve you lunch. When are you marrying me? Jagiya jagiya... tell me"

Taehyung: Sasha.. you are drunk. Stop it. Let's talk about it after you are steady.

Sasha: *standing straight and drunk * hmmm... I am standing straight now. I am steady now. Talk to me. 

Taehyung: Sasha....

I went and kissed Taehyung... and said " jagiya.. this is what you wanted, right? Come let's sleep together now"

I dragged Taehyung to the bedroom.

Sabrina saw me and slapped me.

I went to Taehyung and said " Jagii.... She is slapping me. I hugged Taehyung hard"

Taehyung: *to Sabrina* Noona... let me handle it.

Sabrina left me in the bedroom with Taehyung and went away.

I vomited on Taehyung and held his hand " Please be here with me. Don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. I feel very alone at home"

I made Taehyung sleep beside me and slept on the same bed.

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