I'm alright for god's sake

Start from the beginning

"Fuck!" Evie shouted, annoyed that she hadn't scored.

In the 83rd minute, Arsenal had built up an attack. Evie was in front of goal and she debated shooting. There was only a small gap and as badly as she wanted the hattrick, it might not work. She tapped it to Stina, who leathered it into the back of the net.

Now they were in the final minute of normal time. They had a corner and everyone was up, desperate to make it eight.

Leah was at the front and she managed to get her head to it, nudging back to the rest of them. It fell to Evie's feet and she poked it over the line. It wasn't perfect, far from it, but it was a third goal.

"That's our kiddo," Leah shouted as she pulled her into a hug, kissing her on the top of her head. They all mobbed, overjoyed that their youngest teammate had scored a hattrick.

The final whistle went and the massive smile on Evie's face spread even further when the referee handed her the ball. A match ball. That was quite something.

After the team talk where they sung her praises, she ran off to hug Mrs Cooper.

"I'm so proud of you darling."

Evie stood in her arms, glad that she could make her proud. She always felt like she owed Mrs Cooper for everything she'd done for her and she hoped that by having a successful career, she'd do that.

They chatted before saying their goodbyes.

In the car on the way home, Evie passed the ball between her hands. She loved it. It was her ball. That she'd earned.

The music was on high and the pair of them sang as they drove home, pleased with how the day had gone.


It was nearing the end of the season. They only had two games left. Evie was loving life. Everything felt right. Soon she would be going on holiday with Leah, Keira, Lucy and Ellie to America. She'd never been before and couldn't wait to go.

They were doing some gym work, just stretching out their muscles, and having a chat. Evie was stood near Beth, Katie and Manu and talking about what was to come for the next season.

"Are you still going to house share with Leah?" Katie asked, rolling the massager over her calves. Evie was a bit confused. She hadn't even considered the possibility that she wouldn't be doing that.

"Yeah," she responded but not very confidently.

"You sure? She hasn't got fed up with all your mess?" Beth laughed. She meant it kind heartedly but Evie began to consider. Maybe Leah didn't want to live with her anymore. She could sometimes be a lot to handle.

"Your room does look like a bomb site," Manu joked. The girls had been over a few times and were always astounded at how messy everything was.

The conversation was meant to be a chilled one but it had really got Evie thinking. What if Leah was fed up with her?

All her doubts and insecurities were running round her head. Over and over they went like a stuck CD player. It was draining and she felt like falling to the floor and crying.

She stopped what she was doing.

"I'm going to the toilet," she said, standing up and walking to the door. She made it into the bathrooms and let out her frustration by punching the wall. Why did her brain work like this?

"Hey kiddo. Don't do that. What's up?" Caitlin asked. She'd just walked in and wasn't expecting to see her beating up the walls.

"Nothing," Evie replied. She was breathing heavily, trying to understand what she was feeling.

"You sure?" Caitlin said, concerned for her. Evie stared blankly, unable to express what was going on.

Gently, Caitlin raised her hands and put them reassuringly on her shoulders.

"Whatever it is, there'll be someone who can help you," she said. The last thing anyone wanted was for her to shut off again.

"I know. I know," Evie said quietly, "I just don't want to talk about it right now."

"That's alright. Whenever you're ready to talk, make sure you do," Caitlin told her as she pulled her into a hug. This was enough to bring her out of the place she was in and back down to earth.

Leah was going out for a coffee with one of her friends so Viv offered to take Evie home. Beth was also in the car and both of them noticed how quiet the youngster was.

"You're alright aren't you kiddo?" Viv asked as she got out.

"Fine," Evie replied moodily. She hated that everyone was so worried all the time. She could look after herself.

"Do you want us to come in for a bit?" Beth asked.

"No. I'm alright. Thanks for the lift," she said, before walking to the front door and heading inside without looking back.

When Leah got home, Evie was making them both dinner. She looked gloomy and miserable.

"What's up?" Leah asked.


"You sure?"

"I'm fine."


"Yes. I'm alright for god's sake," Evie snapped, firmly ending the conversation.

They stayed in silence, the only sounds being Evie bashing around while she cooked. Then she stopped moving and it went completely still.

"Leah?" she said shyly.


"Do you still want to house share next year?" Evie asked. The look on her face and the tone of her voice told Leah that this was something she was genuinely very worried about.

"Of course I do," Leah replied.

"Cool," Evie said, trying, and failing, to hide the dopey grin that was spreading onto her face.

"Is this why you were being a bit moody?"

"I wasn't being moody!" Evie argued. Leah gave her look and she backed down.

"Alright maybe I was a little bit."


A/N: Lotte for prime minister. Anyway what icons they are for getting change made!

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