He strolls over to the couch and takes a seat. "Damian please come here." He calls in a calm voice. He then shoots me a look while pointing to the other side of the couch. I get the hint and take a seat. Damian slowly shuffles over to Bruce standing about five feet away in front of him. Bruce sits up and grabs Damian's arm pulling him forward so he is standing right in front of him. "Damian look at me." Bruce states in a strong but gently voice. Damian obeys. I suck in a breath because Damian looks absolutely terrified. "Damian I am disappointed that you snuck out to do patrol when I told you not to." Bruce starts. Damian stiffens even more if that's even possible. "That being said that does not mean that you will be punished. Do you understand?" He asks. Damian nods. "Tell me what I said." Bruce commands. Damian hesitates. "I will not be punished." He whispers. Bruce nods. "What does that mean Damian?" He asks. Damian doesn't answer instead he looks down at the floor. "Damian what does that mean?" Bruce asks again. Again Damian doesn't respond. "Do you know what that means?" Bruce asks instead. Damian slowly shakes his head no. Bruce lets out a small sigh. "What did I promise you Damian the first time you thought you would get punished?" Bruce asks. Damian opens his mouth but then closes it. "I promised I would never punish you the way Talia and Raw's did. Do you remember that?" Damian nods. Bruce glances over at me. "Jason would never either isn't that right Jason?" I quickly nod even though I have no idea what Bruce is talking about. "No one in this house will ever hurt you Damian no matter how mad we are understand?" Damian looks up from the floor with tears flowing freely down his cheeks. "I'm sorry." He sobs. Bruce quickly pulls him onto his lap cradling him. "You're okay. you're okay." Bruce mummers into his hair while gently rocking him. They stay like that until Damian drifts off to sleep. Bruce gently places him on the couch and stands motioning me to follow him.

We both walk into the kitchen. Bruce pores himself a glass of water and takes a start at the island. I take a seat across from him. After sitting in comfortable silence for around five minutes I decide to break it. "What happened?" I ask. Bruce sets down his now empty glass. "PTSD attack." Bruce answers. I slowly nod. "What triggered it?" Bruce lets out a long sigh. "When Damian was in the league if he made a mistake made a decision he would get Severely punished. And sometimes he forgets I won't do the same things that Taila and Raws did." I nod my head spinning. What did Talia and Raws do? Did I triggering him? "I'm going to head out." I state while standing. Bruce nods.

(Three weeks later)

I look up from my book, Clockwork Angle when my bedroom door bursts open. There stands Dick Grayson. He is wearing a button up white long sleeve shirt with black dress pants, the shirt is untucked and on sloppily. He also has a black tie untied around his neck. His hair is a mess like he's tugged on it multiple times. "Have you seen Damian?" He heaves out. "Nope." I answer popping the P. He lets out a sigh. "We got in a fight on patrol. When we got back he ran off now I can't find him." He states but instead of the normal concern he usually has its instead a annoyed tone. I nod not really seeing how this my problem. I go to open my book again when he speaks up. "I have a Gala to go to. Can you find Damian?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open them to see Dick staring lasers  into me. I recently nod. "Thanks." He then runs out of my room. A few moments later I here a motorcycle engine row. I slowly crawl out of my worm blankets. "I should've fought Alfred harder when he told me I need to stay at the manor to heal a bullet hole." I mutter to myself reopening my bedroom door.

I've searched the cave, living room, kitchen, all of our bedrooms, the barn, and even the bathrooms. "Well I guess that leaves the library and you know all the other rooms." I grumble to myself while walking into the library. I check all the chairs, under the table and even the built in cabinets. I start to walk down the aisles. I get all the way to the back when I spot a little figure in the shadows. (Got you fucker.) I slowly walk up to him. His head shoots up for a split second but quickly goes back to hiding it against his knees that are pulled closely to his chest. "Hiya brat heard you got in trouble on patrol from Dildo." I state. No answer. My mind thinks back to a couple weeks ago. I slowly kneel in front of him. "Damian I need you to look at me." He shakes his head no. "Damian" I warn. He slowly lift his head. I make eye contact with his big green eyes, wide with fear. (Shit shit and shitty shit.) "Damian can you hear me?" I ask scooting just a tad closer. Damian stiffens. He slowly nods. I let out a breath. "Can you tell me what happened in patrol?" He tightens his grip around his legs. "I-I'm sorry." He whispers. "I know you are but I still need to know what happened." He takes a shaky breath. "Grayson and I where patrolling." I nod noting how he said Grayson instead of Richard. "We where fighting a group of thugs when one snuck up behind Nightwing. He did not see the gun aimed at him. I jump down onto the thug. Grayson was mad because I could've been shot." By then end is voice is very close to being a sob. I nod. Of course Dick is going to be mad over the kid trying to save him. "G-Grayson s-said that I I would be p-punished." I close my eyes. A couple of days ago Dick got in trouble at work he's been pissed off on patrol and almost ever one had refused to patrol with him because of it, everyone but Damian. I open my eyes. "Dick is being a ass and you should't listen to him." I state. Damian doesn't respond only looks back down at his knees. He looks small, childlike.  But he is a child. Before I can even think through what I am doing I stand up and grab Damian by his forearm. I pull him up to is feet. He automatically starts to fight me. I ignore him and walk over dragging him to one of the many beanbag chairs. I plop down in one pulling Damian onto my lap. He keeps kicking and screaming. "Damian." I speak. He doesn't stop. "Damian stop." Nothing. "Akhi." He freezes. "Akhi I'm not going to hurt you okay? You are safe." I speak in a low calm voice. He goes limp against me. I wrap my hands around him and gently run a hand through his hair. After about 30 minutes he falls asleep. I gently stand shifting Damian to where he is sitting on my hip. I carry him to his bedroom and tuck him in. "Goodnight akhi." I whisper. I turn away from his bed and start to walk to the door when a small bony hand grabs my forearm. I turn back around to see a sleepy Damian staring up at me. "Stay?" He whispers. I glance to the door and then back down at the tired child. "Okay I'll stay." He scoots over allowing me to squeeze into the bed beside him. He automatically snuggles up to my side. "Go to sleep. I got you." I whisper. He nods. "Love you akhi." He whispers. My breath catches. "Love you too akhi." 

Word count:2216
Sorry it's been a bit sense I've updated I've been just really busy. I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! If you have a one-shot you would like to read just comment it and I'll try my best to bring the idea to life. Also would y'all want like a part two where it's Bruce experiencing this for the first time? Anyway hope you have a great rest of your day/night/week!

 Also would y'all want like a part two where it's Bruce experiencing this for the first time? Anyway hope you have a great rest of your day/night/week!

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Idea prompt^ this is NOT mine.

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