Nightmares and Christmas Lights

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Hello my darlings this story takes place about two months after Damian comes back to life. Prompt: Damian and Jason have never gotten along. But what happens when Jason enters his safe house to find Damian sitting on his couch? Jason is 19 Damian is 11

Jason POV

I slip into my bedroom window, falling onto my face. I stand up and while pulling my red helmet off. I quickly change out of my Redhood outfit into black jeans and a red sweatshirt. I stick one of my guns in the back of my pants and walk out to the hallway. I walk down the hallway to my living room. I then stop hearing a little shuffle. I slowly pull out my gun cocking it. I walk the rest down the hallway entering my living room gun raised. There sits Damian Al-Ghul-Wayne. I lower my gun putting it back at the back of my jeans. "What the hell are you doing here demon?" His head shoots up from where he was staring at his lap. His eyes are dilated, unfocused. He opens his mouth but then closes it. Okay weird. I slowly walk up to him plopping down beside him. I turn to face him with a brow raised. "I was in the neighborhood." Lie lie lie. Even if he was patrolling my safe-house is no where near his patrol rout and on top of that he's wearing black jeans and a black sweatshirt. "Not buying it kid, come up with something different." He lets out a sigh. "I-uh I was bored?" He asks more then states. I roll my eyes. "Wow you are terrible at lying. And that's kinda sad sense Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-Ghul are your parents." Damian stiffens barley but enough to notice. "Sorry." I sit up from where I was sloutch against the couch because Damian Wayne just apologized for something that doesn't even call for one. "Okay kid really what's up?" I ask more seriously. He shifts uncomfortably. He mumbles something unbearable. "You're going have to speak up." He looks up from his lap. "I had a nightmare." Oh oh. So that's why he's hear with me. I slowly nod. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head no. I look around awkwardly. I then stand up. "Follow me." He gives me a odd look but does. We walk down the hallway to my room. I walk over to my closet. I pull out two Gotham winter approved coats. I hand the smaller red one to him and put in the larger black one. "Put it on." I command. "Tt why Todd?" I roll my eyes. "Just do it brat." He gives in and puts it on. I then grab to beanies and two sets of gloves. I put on my own beanie and stick the gloves into my coat pocket. I then grab a black scarf. I walk over to Damian and kneel down in front of him. I fix the collar of his coat and pull out the hood of his sweatshirt. I then stick the beanie. He goes to take it off but I grab his hand. "Leave it on." He mumbles a couple of curses in Arabic but lowers his hand. I then tie the scarf around his neck and hand him the gloves. "Put these on." He gives me a disgusted look but listens. I pull on some winter boots already seeing Damian has his own on. I then grab Damian's hand and drag him towards the door. He pulls out of my grasp. I roll my eyes and lock the front door. I start to walk down the stairs to the main lobby. "Tt where are we going?" Damian asks jogging to keep up with my long steps. "You'll see." We walk down to the lobby.

I lead Damian down the streets of Gotham. We walk in silence until we get to Gotham city park. There are multiple pop up stands. "Tt Todd what are we going here?" Damian asks looking around at all the tents. I smirk. I then walk up to one of the stands. "Welcome how many tickets?" A lady in here 30s asks. I smile. "Hi, one adult and one child." She nods and pulls out to wrist bands. "That will be $20 dollars." I nod and hand here the bill. She hands me the wrists bands and I walk back over to Damian who is awkwardly standing away from the crowed of people. "Give me you wrists." He gives me a questionable look. I roll my eyes. He reluctantly holds up his left wrist. I snap on his wrist bracelet and then I do mine. I then grab his right hand and start to walk towards the entrance to the park. Damian starts to pull away his hand. I tighten my grip not enough to hurt but enough to give the message to stop. "There's a lot of the people Damian I need to be able to keep up with you." I state not looking away from the path. "Tt."

We walk up to the entrance. "What are we don for Todd?" Damian asks for the 100 time. I finally look down at Damian flashing him a smile. "We are going Christmas light hunting." I answer. He gives me a confused look. "What?" I roll my eyes. "Come on I'll show you." We start to walk down the paved walking way. The first lights we come to are a blown up Santa and Rudolph. Damian eyes light up, he quickly tries to cover it up but not quick enough for me not to snap a pic. We keep walking down the path when we come to a blown up frosty the snowman. There are a couple people taking pictures. I then feel Damian tug at my hand. I go to tell him I'm not going to let go to find him already looking up at me. "Who is that?" He whispers so the other strangers to here. "You don't know who frosty is?" I ask shocked. He shakes his head no, a little blush covering his cheeks. "When we get home we are watching the movie." I state. He nods. We keep walking. We end up seeing a nativity set, Santa and his sled, elf's, and a couple blow up animals Damian really liked. We walk out of the exit. I then spot a hot chocolate stand. I drag Damian over to it. "Hi can I get two hot chocolates?" I ask. The man running the smile. "Of course!" He quickly makes up our hot chocolates. He hands me mine. He then crotches down to Damian. "Here you go buddy." He states smiling. Damian takes his hot chocolate. I expect him to stay something snarky but instead he just whispers thank you. "We f course." The man responds standing back up to his full height. "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas!" I say back. Damian and I then start to walk back to my apartment. "Thank you Todd." I look down at Damian. He is not looking at me. The idea of teasing him crosses my mind. "You're welcome Damian I'm glade you had fun." We walk the rest of the way home Damian not letting go of my hand.

Word count: 1180

I hope you enjoyed this update my apologies it took so long.

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