Damian and nightmares

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All credit of the idea and picture goes to the writer. Song: someone by Michael Schulte.

Dick's POV

I look over to the clock on the Batcomputer and see that it's already 03:00 (3:00am) I sigh and log out. I walk up the old stairs. I quietly walk down the hallway until I get to Damian's room. I here shuffling and think he's still up. I keep walking until I here a heart wenching scream. I practically break down the door. I find Damian in his bed thrashing around. I quickly walk over and gently shake him awake. I jumps and and looks around the room vigorously. "Hey dami it's okay you're okay." His eyes land on me and instantly tries to cover up his fear. I move to were I am leaning against the bed headboard. I gently then pull him into my lap. He try's to fight me but I just ignore it. I gently rock him back off until with both drift off to sleep.

Jason's POV

"<tt> I do not need a babysitter Todd." I let out a annoyed sigh. "Don't care tater tot we're both sick so suck it up." He stomps his foot before heading to the living room. "Brat." I mumble. I end up making some chicken noodle soup for Demon and I. After 30 minutes of cooking I head into the living room to collect the spawn from hell. "Demon it's—" I stop in my track when I see him fast asleep on the couch. I take a seat on one of the chairs and eat my soup. After I finish I head back to the kitchen. While washing the dishes I hear some shuffling so I assume Damian is up. "Damian come get some soup." I holler. When I get no response I head back into the living room. I look over at the couch to see demon still fast asleep. I look closer to see him mumbling. "Stop stop." He whispers. He then starts thrashing around. I star in shock not knowing what to do. "MOTHER PLEASE HELP MOTHER!!" This snaps me out of my daze and I quickly run over to him. I pick him up and gently shake him awake. I he sits and painting. "Hey kiddo it's okay I got you." He looks around scanning the room for danger. "Hey it's just you and me got it? You're safe." His breathing slowly starts to go back to normal. He lays his head in my chest. After a couple of minutes he is fast asleep again, but I don't dare move. And that's how I spend the rest of the afternoon. Caring for Damian.

Tim's POV

I wake up hearing shuffling in the hallway. Bruce left for a business trip so it's just Damian and I. I slowly crawl out of my warm bed because surprisingly I fell asleep doing bat work. I walk down to the kitchen to see Damian sitting at the island. "Damian what are you doing up?" I ask. I jumps and quickly turns around. I take the time to study him. His skin is sickly pale, his hair is matted down by sweat, and he looks like he's not quite all here. I take a step forward. He instantly steps back and trips of a stool falling. I run over to him and try ti help him up. I grab him by the wrist and he flinches back. I ignore it. I pull him up and he starts fighting me. "Let me go! let me go!" He doesn't say it snarky but scared. "Hey I'm not going to hurt you. You know me. It's Tim." I kneel down In front of him to where we are eye level. I keeps fighting but I just hold him by his arms so he can't run. "Damian look at me." He dose. "T-tim?" He stutters out. "Yeah it's me. You're okay." He takes a deep breath in. I then do something I thought I would never do. I hug him. He is stiff at fist but then surprisingly returns it. I slowly stand up with him still in my arms and start walking back to my room. Once I get to my room I walk in and get into bed. I pull Damian close and just hold him. "It's okay I got you." I keep whispering sweet nothings until we both fall asleep.

Okay hope you like sorry for skipping Bruce but...I didn't really want to write his. Okay word count: 768

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