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bathed in complete darkness, connie woefully strutted through his foyer and towards his bedroom. the soft thuds of his sneakers bounced off the plain, peachy walls, making the home feel more forlorn than usual. once he shut his bedroom door, he bewilderedly stood in the center unsure of what to do next.

his phone vibrated violently but he didn't react to the sensation. slowly, his breathing picked up as he tried to distract himself for thinking about you. splashing cold handfuls of water on his face repeatedly didn't so much as faze him. stripping from his shirt, he was left in a pair of tan joggers.

the bright white rays from his screen made him flinched and curse to himself, squinting his eyes as they adjusted. .the notification he received minutes prior was a new like on one of the four posts of you on his instagram.

his thumb swiftly slid through the separate pictures, admiring each facial expression you made; even smiling let chuckling at some. in an instant, he remembered the terms you were on and his smile faded completely.

"damn." he lowly hummed, shutting his phone off again. with the hum buzz of his fan being the only noise occupying his ears, he shook his head and got up to take a shower. while the hot pellets soothed his sore muscles, it wasn't hot enough to cleanse you from his palette.

"chhhhhh — sh*t!" he shook once the cool air came in contact with his steaming flesh. goosebumps arose over his entire system; he quickly wrapped himself in a towel and sprinted to his room, away from the harsh winds of the bathroom ac.

today 5:13 pm

"yo, wyd?"
read 5:16

"in class right now! i'll call you back when i'm out 😃."
read 5:17

armin has notifications turned off

connie groaned in annoyance as his head hit his pillow. scrolling through his call log, he clicked on a group facetime held two days ago. the lines rang in fusion but a line was never recovered. trying again, connie roughly tapped the 'ring', growing more impatient each buzz.

"nigggaaaaaa what are you callin' niggas for?!" a deep voice huffed, the camera displaying a dark ceiling decorated by flickering lights. "yo' ass on the game. stop actin' like you busy. what yo' hoe ass playin'?" connie retaliated, leaning into the phone to decipher the noises.

as connie listened intensely, a sudden loud crash and shout made him wince and quickly flinch away from the phone. "yo' what the f*ck?!" ruga shouted into the phone, picking it up and staring into the camera.

as his dark, glinting, brown eyes came into contact with connie's, his wide, thick, two toned lips curled into a smile. his bushy, unbrushed eyebrows raised in amusement. "what ugly ass?!" connie snapped; ruga couldn't hold it together and burst into laughter.

a heap of curls fill the box just below ruga's box. emerald green eyes scouted the screen before dani's medium, peachy pink lips also smiled. "i jus busted my ass bro." he laughed as he adjusted the camera on a counter top. behind him was a mess of groceries, some still it their plastic bags.

"nah bro don't connie look like hell?" ruga started, returning the attention back to him. dani inspected connie's face before nodding and chuckling to himself. "guess he not gettin' no pussy no more." "rightfully you could use more pussy cause yo' beard lookin' a little patchy." connie mumbled as he held a middle finger in the screen.

𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora