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you scan through your suitcase one more time to make sure you have all of your belongings. "not so fast." you murmur as you grab a bottle of perfume. "i need you too." the small digital clock on your nightstand only read 5:27 am.

"momma i think sasha close, i'm finna leave!" you shout as you descend the stairs. your mom sat on the couch wrapped in a house coat. her reading glasses set on the bridge on her nose as 'TASTY' rang out on her phone.

"you need to relax up off that candy crush ma." you chuckle. she looks up from her phone and frowns at you. "not till i get past this damn level i'm not." she growls.

you put your hands up in surrenderment before leaning back down to her. your arms wrap around her neck and embrace the warmth of her body. "i'm gone miss you momma." you whimper. your mom rests her hand on yours and peeks up at you. "i'm gone miss you too baby. just don't call me on no bullsh*t." she smiles.

you nod and release the hug as a knock comes from your door. "it's open!" you call. sasha peeks her head in before fully walking into the house. she shuts the door behind herself and walks over to the couch. "hey momma! long time no see." sasha smiles.

"my favorite child!" your mom says as she stands up. she wraps her arms around sasha and closes her eyes tightly. "how you been baby?" "i've been great! super excited for this trip though." your mom nods and crosses her arms.

"well ya'll better get moving so y'all can catch that plan," your mom says, "i love y'all, have fun and stay safe! and call me if you need me!" she adds. you both wave your mom off before walking out to sasha's car.

"you got a new car or sum ?" you ask as the trunk pops. "funny thing is.." sasha's voice trails off as you began to reach for the passenger door.

"connie is actually taking us because my car is in the shop." she meekly smiles. your face automatically twists into one of disgust. "then i'm gone go ask my mom for a ride." you huff as you turn back towards the trunk.

"no no no no no no! please just sit it out [y/n]! i promise it won't be that bad! plus, jean is in the backseat so you won't be sitting alone."

"who the hell is jean?" you hiss. the left side window rolls down and a boy with light brown hair smiles at you. the growing beard was well kept jus like the straight mustache that decorated his top lip. his hazel eyes scan your face and his smile grows wider. "i promise i won't annoy you." he pleads. you scoff and open the door.

"fine." you mumble. sasha awkwardly slides into the passenger seat and the tension in the car grows horribly. everyone sits in a awkward silence before connie breaks it. "[y/n] i think that-" "shut the f*ck up springer." your sentence cuts him off and he resumes his eyes back on the road.

"but yeah, they're all pretty decent people in my opinion. except eren." jean explains. you both had been chatting for the past 10 minutes about various topics. he was explaining who you'd probably be around for the trip.

"well you don't seem that bad so i'm not gon' trip." you say as jean nods at your statement. "hopefully we'll get to spend more time together than this." he says, motioning between you two.

"who knows, i might find someone else to talk to." you wink. jean's eyebrows perk up. "then i'll just have to make sure i keep a close eye on you."

you shrug your shoulders and look out of the window to see the airport opening. connie quickly looks at you from the rear view mirror before looking away, clearings is throat loudly. "this is our final senior trip so we gotta make this count." jean starts. "oh don't worry about me, i'm def makin' mine count." you reply.

"well maybe we can make something count before we leave." jean smiles, winking his left eye. you look out of the window again, completely flustered. connie parks the car in the parking garage before unlocking the doors for everyone to get out. you all get your bags from the trunk and enter the airport.

further up, the bags get bags checked and go through the metal detectors. even further up in the boarding area, you could see some of your peers standing around, sitting down, or simply sleeping. "yooo! over here!" someone calls. you peak around the brick beam to see a taller man waving down connie, sasha, and jean. they all started to migrate to him so you followed them.

"ay what's up with y'all?" the tall male asked, dapping up jean and connie. he looks over at  you and smiles slightly. "so you're the lovely miss [y/n]." he states. you nod your head and smile. "that would be mwoi." you reply. "i'm eren, it's a pleasure to meet you." eren says, holding out his hand. he intends for you shake it, but you dap him up instead.

he raises his eyebrows and nods his head slowly. "i can f*ck wit that." eren chuckles. his teal eyes were slightly hidden by his hair which was down, hanging above his shoulders. he had plump pink lips that had a ring on the right side and two studs on either side of his nose. slightly skinny, wearing and oversized hoodie, he was standing next to a shorter boy with blonde hair and a girl with short, dark hair.

"i'm armin by the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier." armin sheepishly smiles. you move in to give him a side hug which he warmly returns. "it's okay, i didn't think you'd be much of a talker anyways." you reply. armin's cheeks start to glow a faint pink so you don't push any further. "mikasa." the girl states bluntly. you're sligjtly taken aback but you nod. "[y/n]."

"alright, now. bertholt said him and reiner are coming in right now so we can all jus chill out till we board." eren says. "yeah yeah y'all can do that, mallory said she's comin' up." you say. eren peaks up at the mention of her name. "i'll come with you then." he says.

you shrug your shoulders and begin to walk towards the metal detectors. "I'M OVER HERE!" mallory calls. she still had her black bonnet on, also dressed in a cowprint romper. "need help with your bags?" eren steps up to ask. mallory looks up at him and smiles. "no thanks baby, if i do later i'll make sure to come straight to you." she winks.

eren sent her a toothy smile before wiggling his fingers goodbye. you both glanced at each other before erupting in a fit of laughter. "like moths to a flame b*tch." mallory chuckled. you lead her back to everyone else before you both get comfy in some chairs further off.

"plane 261 were boarding, please make sure to have your ticket and bags ready to go!" a man over the intercom states. you sigh heavily and stand to walk with mallory.

"at least we finally gettin' out." she comments as she shows the flight attendant her boarding pass. you nod solemnly as you watch mikasa and armin disappear into the planes' cabin. "yeah, i guess."

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