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I was practically shaking while we made our way to the place under the bridge. On reaching there the three of them leaned on the wall. Whereas I shifted uncomfortably between my feet. 

Taeyong: Garam calm down.

Doyoung: You can't really expect that to work. She hates this stuff.

Taeyong shot him a look. Where as Jia groaned.

Jia: The last thing i need right now is you guys fighting. Will you both shut it?

The two males looked away. They had this weird tension in between them. And i guess it was true what i had thought. I never really knew them. 

We waited for a while with my fingers nervously playing with the hem of my t-shirt. That was until we heard footsteps and another batch of people walked in.

Taeyong: Hello Caleb.

Caleb: It's been a while Taeyong... and i have heard you have a different type of drugs. 

The stranger's eyes shone. Taeyong smirked and handed him a packet. 

Taeyong: Its supposed to work way more faster than our average kind.

Caleb: Is it so... Conditions?

Taeyong: 2 days. If you like it place your next order.

Caleb: What do you want as the starting offer?

Taeyong: We will start basic. 5000 dollars per packet.

5000 dollars was basic?!

Caleb: Deal. Give them the money. 

The exchange happened. The Caleb dude glanced at all of us, lingering his stare at me for a little longer than i liked. But someone pulled me behind them making me look, to see Doyoung.

Caleb: Who's the new chick?

Taeyong: New member. 

He obviously lied.

Caleb: Lovely. See you next time Taeyong. 

The red haired nodded in return. We watched them leave and i finally came out from behind Doyoung's figure with a sigh of relief.

I didn't die.

Once they were gone Taeyong turned to me.

Taeyong: What the hell does that do? There is no way we can know.

I took a deep breath.

Garam: It's a very addictive drug. Every dosage reduces your strength without you realizing. 

Taeyong: ... what?

Garam: Slowly the consumer gets so addicted that they start consuming much more. It will be like they are drunk all time, full time. But they will only want more. To an extent that without it... they will go mad. And then they will reach a certain level consuming so much so that it would cause their death. Your previous drug would take months for that effect, maybe years. This one would take merely weeks... days even.

Their eyes widened where as i, myself seemed too shocked to hear myself talk. I had created a weapon. 

Jia: You did that... in one week? What the hell did you test it on?

Garam: Nothing. We will see if it works. If he has it today you should get your order by tomorrow morning.

The three stared at me with Doyoung chuckling in the end.

Doyoung: She fits right in with us. Just keep her in the lab next time. She is too much of a pussy with a gun. 

He said while walking towards me. I was about to snap back but he reached around my waist and pulled the gun out of my waistband, the action catching me off guard.

Taeyong: Alright... i will get back to you tomorrow, Garam. Let's go home for now. 

They walked ahead of me where as i couldn't help but feel like a monster. I had created a fatal drug. So now i was technically a murderer. 

My mind went into a state of shock and all i could do was stare blankly out the window. When i saw my reflection i almost double backed in fear. I had to come here to stop that one member from dying and save the relationship between the members... not to kill other people.

But without this what other way could i get them to accept me into the group. i have always hated the Mafia, fearing of the negative impact it leaves. And here i was, spending one week with them and already becoming one of them.

I hated it.

I hated it

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