Chapter 5 "A New World To Explore"

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i woke up more earlier than amane and as i gently tapped amane's shoulder to wake him up , i then suddenly get teleported into some infinite void thingy and it teleported me and amane on this weird world..... and when i looked behind me i saw we were at this big japanese house and uh- there was this pink haired boy with uhm this weird black clothes i mean he looked strong....
but i needed to know where me and amane were so....
i asked that pink haired boy on where me and amane are and the pink haired boy replied with-

"Oh! your at our school named Tokyo Jujutsu High School Of Sorcery! and also.... how did you even manage to go in here?"

i looked at the pink haired boy for a moment trying to scan him if he was dangerous while i hid my twin brother amane behind me ,
amane was just staying quiet since he was nervous to talk since this was another world we got teleported to in. i then replied to the pink haired boy with-

"uhm.... i suppose we should introduce each others name and age i think- but anyways my name is Tsukasa Yugi! , and this is my older twin brother Amane Yugi! , me and amane are both 13! and also what's your name...?"

i looked at him with a creepy smile after i said that to scare him off just in case he's a bad person.
i felt as if he was threathened by my smile as the pink haired boy backed away a little from me , and then everything went silence for us three until the pink haired boy spoke.


"u-uhm im Yuji Itadori n-nice to meet you too also- you have a creepy smile little kid-"

i started stopping on using my creepy smile after i realized he was no threat of danger to me and amane and gave my hand in for a handshake with him- but i don't know about this pinky dude on why he didn't do any handshakes with me as if he was still scared of my smile a minute ago-


and then my older twin brother amane started coming out from behind me after he knew i trusted this pink haired person called "Yuji Itadori". even though amane was still nervous with that cotton candy haired boy amane whispered in my ear saying....

"hey tsukasa , do you really think we can trust this person...? i-i mean he could backstab us any moment from now-"

and then i cut him off whispering into amane's ear saying...

"no he won't. cause i scared him a little to give a vibe to let him know ill kill him if he does backstab us."

as i said that itadori just kept staring at us while we were whispering in each other's ears as if itadori was confused on what me and amane were discussing about. and then while we were still whispering some other two people that looked like itadori's age came up to us and one of them had an spiky black hair and white shirt thingy- and also had black pants and white rubber shoes i think- the other was a girl with a bob cut thingy and had brown hair and also brown eyes , i got interrogated by that woman who had the brown hair and she started asking me question like

"where are you from"
"what food is your favorite"
"do you like it here in tokyo?"
"do you want to stay here for awhile?"
"what's both of you small children's age?"
"what's both of your's names?"
"are you two a pair of identical twins?"
"are you two in high school?"
"do you both wanna enroll here in Tokyo Jujutsu High School Of Sorcery?"
"where do you live?"
"what's your favorite color"
"you both are so cute!!!!"

and yada - yada other stuffs like that so i responded with...

"uhm- are you crazy or something woman?- and also why do you need to ask all of those questions?"

and then for a moment there was silence as the brown haired girl just looked annoyed at my response considering her eyes looked angry as fuck- and then the old woman who was crazy just yelled at me saying-

"ugh! i was just asking some simple question yet you have to answer like that!? just how much rudeness does this new generation of spawns of devil's have!?"

and you guessed it-
i was simply pissed off what she said and i replied with a-

"don't say that we are demons- your the demon you old hag!!"

and just like that me and the woman started arguing.

can't those two stop arguing with eachother-
i can't even think straight when these two are just yelling and arguing about stupid stuff anyways- huh-
i proceeded to see a big panda on its legs just hitting someone with a bamboo stick as if they were training- and i decided to go towards it thinking the panda might help break those two stupid idiot's apart from their stupid arguiment....

i'll make more chapters but im feeling a bit lazy to continue but i'll try to upload more chapters for you guys!!

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