Chapter 3 "An New Assassin's First Target"

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dont ask why but there might be some characters i added from different fandoms so act as if they were there already-

Tsukasa POV

as i started running with my dear amane in my hands i headed to a building i've known for a long time....
i asked the owner of the building if i can try and be an assassin and they replied to me with

"are you serious...? you're just a stupid small weak kid why would you think we would hire you-"

i cut off what he was saying and by the time he was saying those things about me i already pointed my katana at him.
i said....

"shut up , you're literally underestimating someone just because of "their" age!? you might not know if they're good or not at killing people and not get caught!"

the boss of that building laughs at my reply and he replies with

"my my , seems you are good for the job that was a test to see if you were able to kill a person , you're hired!"

i never really thought that that was a test.....
i thought of it as an insult to me....
though i was still carrying amane while pointing my katana at the boss so i put my katana back and hid it...
just as i was suppose to get the person i needed to assasinate from the boss the boss asked me a question before he did give me the person i needed to assassinate...

"hey is that your twin brother that your holding perhaps?"

i replied with

"mhm , he's my brother but dont mind the fact i tied him up , also can you babysit him for a sec while i go kill that person i needed to assassinate?"

the boss agrees to look over my brother first

afterwards i saw the victim i had to eliminate , my victim was this yellow haired person with a big braid behind his back and he also had amber eyes and-
i think his name was uh-
Aether Minci....?
i dont know about you but his outfit looks weird-
and he's also with that emo looking short boy that appears to be atleast smaller than that person aether i mean that short emo boy has uhm....
i cant really see it not that much from up here but he has black hair and green tips on his hair and also has amber eyes.....?
he kinda has the eyes of a cat-
but he looks emotionless-
is that short boy suppose to be aether's bodyguard....?



i know! i can lure that emo boy into somewhere else and then slaughter aether!-

*sees that the emo boy is leaving*

oh nevermind-
he actually left by himself-

*sees the emo boy disappear*


*someone swishes their polearm at me from behind*

what the hell!?-

what the fuck even is that weapon-
more importantly HOW DID HE TELEPORT!?-
uh oh-
i turn and jump to other buildings as that emo boy was chasing after me-
to be honest i kind of knew from the start cause of them having weird clothes-

*i turn around to see the emo boy already catching up to me*

how the hell is he so fast!?
i-i hate to say this but i might have to abandon this mission!
i can't even get past this stupid bodyguard of aether's!

*someone take's my hand from behind and picks me up*

i got caught by this stupid emo boy...
i asked gently to the emo boy

"sworry sir... but can u let go of me....? i swear i didn't plwan anythwing wrong!! i-i was just admiwing how beautiful the blond boy was....."

i looked at him with pitiful eyes as i was about to fake cry
the emo boy looks at my eyes and stares at it intensly almost as if he's scanning me to see if im lying....
but he didn't reply back to that answer i said to him-
and finally he answered

"fine i'll let you go for now small child but if i see or hear you spying on me and aether again i won't spare you-"

*trigger warning to those who like xiao from genshin impact and aether i suggest you leave this part*

i sliced the emo boy's head off with my katana after he let me go , to be honest i thought i couldn't defeat him. so i went for the most pitiful act.
i then ran towards the blond hair as he was not aware i could get past his stupid friend or bodyguard , i sliced the blondie's head and torso open and called my boss that the duty is done.
i was happy because i got given a 100k dollars reward as it was the bounty of that blondie i skipped happily to get my brother from the boss as the boss gave me my brother willingly , i headed on to book a room in a hotel that said it was a fine hotel so i was okay with it i took amane with me in the room.

creators notes:
this side story will only contain 10 chapters so do not expect me to upload more than 10 chapters in this Alternative Universe Story , and also no the characters that are from different fandoms won't die cause if they die how the hell am i suppose to lead another side story?

Alive Yandere Tsukasa AU (Tsukasa X Amane) "Side Story 1#"Where stories live. Discover now