❝𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐❞

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Rayyan called his wife who was engrossed on her books. She had sprawled on the biggest couch of his study, surrounding herself with books. She had her final semester exam in three months, so the preparation had begun. She looked at him on his calling.

"I have to go to Karachi for a meeting tomorrow. Will you come with me?" He asked looking at his wife.

"You will have the meeting there, but what will I do?" She asked.

"Well, the meeting will be over in an hour. Then, we can visit places there. So, what say?" He said.

"Okay. I will do our packing." Saying that, she ran out of the study with a huge smile.


"Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Landmark Hotel. Have a great time." The receptionist greeted to them.

Rayyan just stiffly nodded his head and took the card from her. Ayesha gave a thank you to the receptionist, frowning at her husband.

"That was rude." She said, as soon as they entered the lift. He just shrugged off.

They reached the room and freshened up. Ayesha started unpacking their bags whereas Rayyan sat on the couch with his laptop. He was still working when she looked at him after finishing her unpacking. She went towards him and sat beside him. He wrapped his on arm around her and brought her closer.

After sometime, he found his wife sleeping on his arms. He picked her up and gently put her in the bed, covering with the duvet. He looked at his watch and found it to be the time for his meeting. Writing a small note for her, he left the hotel.

By the time, Rayyan returned from his meeting, Ayesha was already awake and was playing the game in her phone.

"You are back." She exclaimed seeing him locking up the door. Rayyan came towards and threw himself on the bed. Ayesha put her hands on his hair, giving him the massage. Rayyan shifted and put his head on her lap while sighing.

"How did the meeting go?" She asked him.

"It was good. They agreed to work with us." Rayyan replied. He got up and sat beside her taking her hands on his. "Go and change, we will go out for dinner."

"No." She shook her head negatively. "You are tired. We will go tomorrow."

"But-" His words were cut off by her.

"No, buts. Now, go and freshen up." She said pushing him. He raised his eyebrows at her, mocking her strength as he wasn't budging even a little bit from her.

"Rayyan." She warned.

"Yes, Begum." He said lovingly.

"Go. You stink." She said trying to push him.

He raised a brow and pulled her in his arms. She wiggled, slapping slightly on his arms. "Go fast."

But he didn't move. She sighed looking at him and placed her head on his chest. He caressed her hair.

"I thought I was stinking." He said after a while, seeing her making no move from removing herself from her. She glared at him and pushed him with a huff. He laughed looking at his wife who had puffed up cheeks. He squeezed her cheeks before entering inside the washroom.

After he returned from the bathroom, they ordered food in the room and slept shortly after as they were tired from the travelling.


"Rayyan, how much time are you taking?" Ayesha said knocking the door of small closet where her husband was getting ready.

He had been inside for half an hour and was still not out.

"Come one, Begum. It takes time to be ready." Rayyan said coming out of the closet.

"You are not some newly wedded bride to take long time." She said narrowing her eyes at him.

"Even a man needs sufficient time to dress up nicely, Begum. I should look perfect as we are going out." He said, adjusting his shawl.

"Perfect? You are not going for some fashion show. You are good enough. Remember, you are going out with your wife not searching for wife." She glared at him.

"Why do you have to look so handsome? How am I going to protect you from others 'gaze, now?" She muttered to herself.

Rayyan chuckled hearing her words. He brought her near him by her waist. Ayesha kept her hands on his chest on instinct. He dropped his head near her ear and muttered, "So, I look handsome, huh."

Ayesha shivered a little at his actions as his breath was fanning on her neck. Her body was turning hot and she was feeling butterflies in her stomach. These butterflies had made a permanent resident at her stomach nowadays.

She clutched his kurta tightly in her hands. He smirked seeing her reaction, so he was not only one affected.

"We are getting late." She said in a low voice. He looked at her who had blush covering her cheeks and nodded before placing a small kiss under her ear.

Her breath hitched at his action and eyes widened. He suppressed a smile looking at his wife who was looking petrified.

"Shall we?" He said lowering his head a little bit. She nodded and kept her hand on his forwarding hand. They walked out hand in hand. 

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