Reconciliation of Prince's

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Wang Zhang with a smile " Okk "

Internally by seeing them " It must be Hua Hua haha "

Wang tàizǐ " Wang Zhang you are lucky to have such a wife like Yun'er "

2nd prince" Yess , she is really an amazing women ''

Wang Zhang " Yes !! sometime I also get amazed that what good deed I did In my previous life that I get a girl like her haha "

Wang tàizǐ" Hahhh my princess is also very amazing trough she become a little quit after entering the palace but I still love her hehe "

2nd prince " Ewwww !! You guys can you stop , you guys are giving me goosebumps peh peh !"

By looking at each other Wang Zhang and Wang tàizǐ laughed together .....


After two days

Wang Zhang is a little tensed as Huanghou gave them a difficult task and Hua hua is trying to fresh his mood with something he never taste , thats why she made some chicken nuggets .


Maids " Waaaahhh such a good smell " " I never saw this dish !!"
Xiao Ai by weeping her seliva " Miss can we taste it a little" with a cute face .
Maids " Yess Princess can we ?"

Hua hua " Obviously !! This plate is for Fu jūn you guys can eat the rest and Xiao Ai give some to xie tin and others "

Everyone " Yeeeeeiii Princess is so good !!!"

Hua hua " Okay okay  you guys enjoy!! I'm going now "

Wang Zhangs study

Knock! Knock!

Hua hua " Fu jūn!! Can I come ??"

Wang Zhang" Niang Zi, you don't need to knock come "

Hua hua " Hehe look what I made for you"

She sit on t Wang Zhangs table and put the plate beside her .
By pointing the plate

"Taste it "

Wang Zhang with an amazed look " Wow ! I never saw this dish !!"

Hua hua " it's from my world that's why "

Wang Zhang" Than my Niang Zi is an amazing cook beside being an amazing girl"

With a proud look " Obviously !!   now give me my reward " by pointing her cheeks

Wang Zhang " come close " 

Hua hua bend forward a little

Wang Zhang grab her by her neck and kiss her  on lips aggressively

As Wang Zhang is enjoying her soft lips here Hua hua's heart is jumping like a rabbit.

After releasing her

Hua hua " You!!! "By pointing finger at him"

Wang Zhang " What don't you like ?"

Hua hua with a shy face " Stinky Wang Zhang "

Wang Zhang smiled " I believe your dish is also tasty like you "

Hua hua by hitting Wang Zhang " From where did you learn this kind of lines ??"

Wang Zhang can't able to stop his laugh " Okay okay !! Don't feel shy "

After testing Wang Zhang " It's so delicious!! "

Hua hua with curiosity " How was it ?"

Wang Zhang " Very good !!" Suddenly an idea crossed his head

Wang Zhang " Niang Zi can you make some more dishes ? "

Hua hua while eating " Mmm I can "

Wang Zhang " After one day it's Huanghous birthday Fuhuang gave as an important task ,we need to find a good dish for Huanghao "

Hua hua " But why !! in Palace there are imperial chefs but  don't Huanghao like there disehs ?"

Wang Zhang" Huanghao is tired from same dishes that's why , Wang tàizǐ, 2nd prince 3rd prince they already got the idea but I don't know what should I prepare for birthday "

Hua hua " Don't worry I'm here ! I will definitely not let you down "

Wang Zhang with a confidence look " I know !! Let's eat "

Hua hua " Okk hehe "

Wang Zhang" Niáng zi can you  make this for me again another day "

Hua hua " I can make this for you every day "

Wang Zhang" Than sorry for disturbing
You "

Hua hua " I don't mind "

Wang Zhang" silly!! "

Hua hua " Hehe "


Can Hua hua will able to win empress heart with her cooking???

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