Trouble In Paradise (SMUT)

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"Can you believe him, coming over here peddling that story?" Maggi scoffed.

I sat down on the bed beside her, watching her flip through channels and finally settling on a late night 'Seinfeld' rerun.

"Yea, what is he even doing here?" I questioned.

"I think he's here on Christmas vacation. It's rare, but he does come home on some holidays" Maggi informed.

From my position where I was seated on the bed, I could hear a door close downstairs.

"I think your mom is home" I said, looking over to Maggi.

She nodded reassuringly and turned her interest back to Kramer and Elaine's argument.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Maggi and I both looked at the door in surprise before looking at each other. In the weeks that I'd been sneaking over, her mom never came to check on her when she got home at night. It was usually straight to bed, well after a drink or two. As if second nature, I quickly rolled over the bed and darted for the closet, closing the door behind me. Most of the time it was under the bed, but after nearly getting caught the last time when her mom bent over to retrieve a lone sock.... yeeeaaa, it was time to change up my location.

"Come in" Maggi called lightly.

"Hey sweetie" her mom cooed, as she entered the room.

"Hey mom" Maggi grinned.

"What are you still doing up?" her mom questioned.

"I just had a little nightmare, but I'm okay" Maggi lied.

"The strangest thing, the back door was wide open, when I came in the house it was freezing downstairs, so I was making sure you were okay" her mom informed.

What the fuck?

You guys read that I just closed and locked that door, right? Right. So, what the fuck?

"Well, I'm okay mom, I may have left it open on accident when I took the trash out" Maggi continued to lie.

"Alright, just making sure you didn't sneak a boy up here or anything, or a girl" her mom grinned.

"A what now?" Maggi asked, with confusion.

"You know, you know you kids now days are really...what's the acronym, LGB something" her mom answered, scrunching her face in thought.

"Mom no, I'm not even gay and you're offending me" Maggi groaned, getting up to maneuver her mom out the door.

"Alright, well try not to stay up much longer it's four in the morning" her mom insisted.

"But I was waiting for you, making sure you made it home safe" Maggi lied once again, leaning on her now cracked bedroom door.

"You don't have to wait up for me I'm fine. Oh, speaking of, I need you to be careful tomorrow night at the carnival, there's some really weird stuff going on around here. Livestock are missing, people have been talking about bear attacks. A few days ago, Agatha Merle found her dog General dead in her back seat, but no windows were broken and there was no forced entry in the car. It's like the bear had opposable thumbs" Maggi's mom explained.

Okay that one was me.

I stood in the closet, peeking lightly through a slit between the lavender colored curtains and the French doors.

"And Mr. Hendrix, who owns the general store in town was found dead yesterday on his land. They say it looked like he was mauled, and his chest torn open. And also, Terry has been missing for a week or two" her mom continued.

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