Getting Too Close for Comfort

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What the fuck did he mean he’d see me soon?

            I sat on my bed in my room, later that day, scrolling through the news app on my phone. Like Moses I tried to keep tabs on any news that related to the new werewolf. While I was gone for the day, Moses and the rest of the pack went hunting and covering some ground to look for it. Just then there was a light knock on my door. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion; who would be here?

“Come in?” I called.

The large barn door slid open just enough for Ada to poke her head in.

“Hey” she smiled softly, stepping into the room.

“Hey, I thought you went with the others” I said.

“Nah, I hunted this morning while everyone was asleep so I’m good” Ada smiled.

I looked and noticed she was cradling a green padded ping-pong paddle in her hand.

“What are you doing with that?” I pointed.

“Oh, Moses put a table downstairs in the living room. I was coming to see if you wanted to play a bit” she grinned.

“Seriously, you want to challenge me at ping-pong?” I smirked.

Ada nodded excitedly.

“Sure, why not” I smiled, sliding my phone into my pants pocket.

The points were five to three with me in the lead, as we slapped the white, plastic ball back and forth.

“I feel like you’re cheating” Ada grinned.

“How, how could I be cheating?” I laughed, hitting the ball back over to her.

She caught the ball and looked at me.

“I know where you’ve been going” Ada sighed as she held the ball.

“Wait, what?”

“When you leave here, and you have Liam lying and saying you’re hunting or looking for the rogue on your own. I know where you go.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The human girl with the reddish hair. When you run off all the time you go spend time with her.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m not proud of this, but...”

Ada lowered her head with embarrassment as she tapped to ball on the green table.

“Go on.”

“I’ve followed you before, but I stayed in my human form so my scent wouldn’t be as strong.”

“Why did you do that?” I questioned.

Ada shrugged, now ashamed.

“I don’t know, I just…you’re always so awkward and mysterious, I…I’m interested in you Theo” Ada smiled softly.

“Ada you can’t tell Mo where I’ve been he’d lose his shit with the way things are around here” I insisted.

“I’m not stupid Theo” Ada frowned, as she picked up her paddle and smacked the ball, making it tap the table and launch over the tiny net.

“Okay good” I exhaled with relief as I hit the ball back.

The awkward silence grew as we continued to knock the ball across the table.

“So, is she your girlfriend?” Ada asked, breaking the silence.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

“Yes, yes she is” I answered.

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