The man turned his head towards her, causing her to freeze. She couldn't tell if he was looking at her or not, but looking in her general direction was enough to spring Indigo into action.

"Hey, Bon, I have to go." Indigo averted her attention to the mansion, speed walking towards the entrance of the masquerade.

"Do you see her?"

"Uh...maybe." Indigo furrowed her eyebrows.

"What does that mean? Either you see her or you don't."

"She's right next to me." Indi lied distractedly, squinting into the throng of masked guests.

"Let me talk to her."

"Can't — my phone's breaking up. Love you, bye!" Indigo briskly hung up. Her intuition had never failed her before, and right now, it was telling her that something bad was about to happen.

The witch grunted in annoyance as she moved through the hoard of people standing in front of the entrance. "Move it, assholes." She snapped, ignoring the shouts of indignation as she pushed them out of her way.

Finally, Indigo's eyes fell on Elena, who was walking slowly with her arms wrapped around her torso. Her puffy, teary eyes remained glued to her Converse covered feet as she struggled to keep one foot ahead of the other. She was in deep thought, oblivious to the potential danger she was about to get into. Elena Gilbert always managed to look like she'd just stepped out of the page of a magazine, even when she'd obviously had a hard day. She wasn't dressed up — in fact, was dressed down. Elena's plain long sleeved tee was tattered and stained, and her long, brown hair was tangled and matted at the ends, clumped together by what looked like blood.

"Damn it." Indigo grumbled, reaching out to grab Elena's forearm. A wave of fear overtook the human girl for a second before settling into confusion once she realized it was just Indigo who was touching her.

"Indi — Jesus, slow down!" Elena yelped as Indigo hastily dragged her towards her obnoxious, bright yellow convertible. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure. There's just something wrong. I can feel it." Indigo's magic bubbled in her veins as they made it out of public view. She tried her hardest not to let her own worry seep into Elena. "I'm taking you to Stefan."

"Wait, you can't." Elena shook her head indignantly.

"Why not?" Indigo's steps slightly faltered.

Elena sheepishly gazed at the shorter girl. "Stefan and I....we broke up."


"I'm avoiding him right now."

Indigo blinked at the girl in frustration. She didn't know much about Stefan, but from what she'd learned from Bonnie, she highly doubted that he would let petty relationship drama eclipse his worry for her safety. But Indigo didn't have the time to question her about it, so she pursed her lips and offered another suggestion instead.

"Okay, then I'll take you to Damon."

"But—" Before Elena could say anything further, the man from earlier appeared behind her, wrapping an arm around her neck as he put a cloth over her nose.

"I didn't sign up for all this," Indigo hissed, raising her hand to perform a spell. Just as she opened her mouth, something was placed over her face, and before she knew it she was greeted by darkness.

┏━━━ ━━━┓

Indigo, like most other people, had never been kidnapped before. Being a witch usually gave her a leg up over normal people in situations like these. Besides, it wasn't like it was a regular a occurrence for people — well, unless you were Elena Gilbert. So when she woke up and realized that she was in a dusty, abandoned house instead of the comfort of her own bed, she screamed. Or at least she tried to. As soon as she opened her mouth, a hand was slapped over it.

HOLY GHOST | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now