Wait what?

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Hey everyone! Hows yalls day? I hope its good. Lets get this story rolling!

Kreek P.O.V :

I threw timmeh to sabrina because she was avalible and was healing rather quickly than the fellow judges. She tried to question me, but i took off running to quickly save Night from tanqr's attacks. Once I got there, I saw night stunned with him being un armed. He didnt have his gun nor his pocket knife with him for protection. He just stood there and watched for tanqrs movement. But we both didnt see him move at all. "I think he coming back to reality!" night said. "you think so?", I said "OFC! He passed out infront of me and I wanna guess its from memories but not quite sure..." Night said. I decided to trust Night and we both went over to go see the judges and to help sabrina. Ofc russo was a tad bit unharmed, I mean he was able to move so he could've fought but he likes Dj too much. Dj was passed out and was holding.....a russo stuffed toy? Don't get me wrong but his outfit was also changed into a oversized russo hoodie! Like how obsessed is russo with this man? And then sabrina was just sitting there with timmeh in her arms. A small blanket was with them, and some food was also besides them. Sabrina said we should take timmeh to my room. I agreed and took him. He was passed out again... So it was easier to take him to the room. Just hearing the snores from him was so cute. It was like he was a stress reliver i soon then got news that we were able to sleep in our rooms. I layed timmeh down and slept besides him.
Tanqr P.O.V :

I was fighting kreek and a guy with galaxy hair. When I saw a child on kreeks back. I soon blinked and saw kreek was gone and so was the child. Just me VS the galaxy haired man. He was armed with a gun and in his pocket I could tell he had a pocket knife. I soon blacked out. Just pure blacked out with no explanation.......I could hear commotion from around the room, but it was a faint voice and another was hushed. I could only point out it being two men.....one being one i was unfamilier with. And the other being......kreek..... I missed hanging out with him. But I was an infected and I kept hurting him no matter how much I tried not to. I just couldnt hold back any longer!...........i woke back up. I was in the same spot...but noone was around me watching or staring. No sounds,no voices, no one. I got up, strangly ....my body felt different..like it wasnt being injected with green blood or random cuts on my body... I quickly found a mirror. I looked into it.......i was back to normal! I quickly did a small happy dance very quietly. It was a hushed moment until I heard someone. ..............

*hushed silence also no art till my pen is fixed😪😅*

3rd veiw P.O.V : (remember! ++ k =kreek t =tanqr h =hosts t =timmeh m =minitoon)

K : tanqr?!

T : hm?

K : wtf how are you not infected, well i dont think you are?

M : wassup kreek, everyone has been healed thanks to my amaz- what is he doing walking perfectly fine and not.....infected?

K : idk! We should check him to see

T : stop being so frightened what happened to you guys?

K & M : .......

T : im going to walk away yk

K : no cmon *drags tanqr by his hand*

Minitoon P.O.V: (i forgot what I wrote last night pls forgive me 🤧)

I was woken up shortly after the incident with tanqr with a scream. It was slitely hushed but still able to be heard....i walked downstairs and found kreek and a familoer guy lookijg in a mirror. He didnt look familier so i dumbly walked over to kreek and asked who he was. It was 3 in the morning so ig I was to tired to see that it was.....TANQR?! Kreek just dragged him alonng to sabrina work area and told him to sit. I followed shortly behind and waited.
3RD VEIW : ⚠swearing⚠

K : sit the fuck down! You are going to explain whats happening right now.

T : okay okay! Stop getting all seriouse im just a human like you-

M : both of you shut the fuck up! Ill run some tests and check him to see if hes still infected.

K  : okay.

T : i dont like how you both are staring at me. Its giving me the creeps

K & M : 😑

M : *checking tanqrs arms and face*

T : soo....?


T : okey okey jeez. I guess you havnt had coffee yet.


K : calm the hell down and tanqr shut up. Yall are ganna wake timmeh.

T : whos timmeh? And whats going on right now?

(yes i am making timmeh kreeks child😃 pls dont kill me)

K : short story, timmeh is my child. And I randomly found him with me and you almost killed him while swinging attacks at me.

T : i almost killed a child.

K : pretty much.

M : fuck off both of you lovebirds discuss this outside of the lab.

K & T : uh huh-

M : so good news hes not infected. But he does have some random ass genetics and symptoms that are just now starting to affect him, so id be careful with him. Also no telling on what he has as in genetics.

K : whats in the genet-

M : I JUST SAID NO TELLING BITCH. IM GOING TO EAT ! *grabs suspenders and waddles out of lab*

Sorry this took long! More will be coming again! Also go check out some other bookwriters in the same catigory. They are amazing. More story parts are soon!

(P.S. : i have a week off! Ima write a shit tone for yall.😊)
1030 words.

🕸🕷The Infection🕷🕸      🖤Tanqr x Kreekcraft Fanfiction🖤Where stories live. Discover now