The first encounter with an infected........

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Kreek P.O.V :

I watched as minitoon searched the hallways for clues about what happened to this house. I quietly followed behind, but my mind was caught on the thought of minitoon saying that there is something infected. But what? I brushed it off and kept walking behind him. We shown our flashlights on a old photograph of a pig. The pig apparently went by the name of George.
Minitoon P.O.V :

I shined my flashlight over to an old photo that seemed to be ripped, it had a small pig on it. It also had a green stain or liquid. I thought to myself not to touch it for reasons. We kept going but I suddenly felt a gush of wind go down my back and through a shattered window. I shined my light around the room to find it was a kitchen, but when I turned around....... I shown my light on not kreek, but a pig with a bright redish pink dress with a glowing red eye. In that moment I knew this was an infected piggy. I started running around the long kitchen counter until i jumped out of the shattered glass window. I had a small dashing cut but who cared I had to inform Kreek!
Kreeks P.O.V :

I suddenly got seperated from minitoon. Something caught my eye but when I turned back he was gone! I decided to go the opposite way and walk up the stairs to find a bedroom with a bunkbed and another photograph. But this time a note on the floor. I picked up the note and stuffed it into my jackets small pocket. I then walked out and slowly closed the door.... I walked to a bathroom like setting and found a vent and on the ground besides it, some shattered glass. I jumped down the vent to end up in thr living room where I found a storage closet. I skipped passed the room and walked to the outside area to find minitoon and........ A pig?
I stared in shock until Minitoon relised I was outside just watching him and the pig.
Minitoon P.O.V :

I saw kreek out tye corner of my eye and shouted that the pig was infected and we needed to run away from it. He got tye memo and quickly roamed around the house to find some weapons to knock the piggy out. H found a damn gun and fired it at the pig . I doged out of the way and watched as the piggy was stunned and knocked out. We both ran out of the house and hopped into a car and drove off.

I hope this was a little longer story for yall sence the other one wasnt😭
Ill make a new chapter tonight or it may be tomorrow! Have a wonderful day!

🕸🕷The Infection🕷🕸      🖤Tanqr x Kreekcraft Fanfiction🖤Where stories live. Discover now