Five: The Twilight Zone

Start from the beginning

Rowan stood with his hands on his hips and a bored look on his face. "So you've told me several times now." He looked over at the bed and back at me. "How's your friend?"

"The same. When will she wake up?"

"It's still early. She's sleeping it off. Now, we have some business to take care of, lass. Come with me," he ordered and stormed off, leaving me with my mouth open.

"The bloody cheek of this man," I said loud enough for him to hear. I didn't get a response, which made my blood boil. "Are you taking the piss?" I ran to catch up with him. He had to be joking. I was famished and beyond thirsty.

He turned, and we collided. You'd have thought I had burned him by the way he flinched away from me. "No, I'm not taking the piss. You want to go home, right?"

"Yes, but where are your manners?" I stood with my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him. "Not only am I starving, but I have had nothing to drink since the tequila last night!" I said with my voice raised.

"This isn't a bed-and-breakfast, princess," he said in a whisper.

"Why are you whispering? Afraid you'll wake up one of your siblings and they find you denying me basic human needs?" My brows rose to my hairline as I waited for his response.

"I could not care less what my siblings think. The boss here is me. The quicker you realize I am the one in charge, the better we will get on. Follow me to the kitchen." He strode off in a huff and I followed.

A minor victory, but I took it. The war with Rowan was far from over, but I needed sustenance and caffeine to spar with him.

Rowan led me to a grand kitchen that smelled of roasted coffee, eggs, and sausage. My mouth watered as I took in my surroundings. The room was large but felt homey to me. Light filled the room as the sun shone in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, taking up an entire wall. It was a lovely kitchen. I had a thing for a nice kitchen.

"Make yourself at home," Rowan said, holding out a hand to show a spread of food covered with silver lids on a long counter. "Coffee or tea is over there." He pointed to a Keurig and tea kettle beside the range. "There's cream, sugar, and anything else you could want for your beverage and bottled waters in the fridge. Take care of your basic human needs and I'll be back soon." He glared at me and left.

"Thank you," I said with a sneer and rolled my eyes at his retreating form. "Take care of your basic human needs," I mocked him with disgust before I did just that.

I shoved the last of the eggs into my mouth and drank deeply from the coffee I'd loaded with sweetener and cream. I let out an audible groan and stretched. Rolling my neck from side to side, I closed my eyes and did my shoulders, too. It felt wonderful to stretch out the kinks and a full belly helped, as well. I opened my eyes and screamed.

"Blimey! You scared me."

Rowan was leaning against the counter, staring at me. He licked his lips and for a moment, I forget to hate him. My mind took me to a place I had no business going.

"I'm just waiting for Rian so we can conclude our business," he said, breaking my unwanted reverie. It was like having a bucket of ice poured over your head. I came crashing back to reality.

"Fine. While we wait, I have a few questions for you." I stood and walked to the other end of the counter and leaned against it for support. "What are you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I was nervous but very curious to hear his answer and waited with bated breath.

"What I am is of no consequence. You've been living a lie your whole life with a father you don't know, and all you want to know is if I'm human or not. That's rather sad, Fiona, and I almost feel pity for you."

The nerve of this bastard! "Don't deflect, Rowan. I know my father, you don't."

"Let's see..." he said, stroking his chin like he was pondering something of importance. "Mid to late fifties, light reddish hair, receding hairline, red and gray beard, green eyes, rather short, and a septagram known as a fairy star tattoo on his forearm..."

My mouth dropped open as I listened to his perfect description. "Okay! So what? Anyone could google him and know all that." I crossed my arms and cursed while my heart beat in my ears. Could it all be true? No! No way. But how does he know about the star tattoo?

"We didn't have to google him, pet," Rian said, stepping into the kitchen. "I'm so sorry. I am, but we know because he's tried to kill us a few times."

"Four times," Rowan added, glaring at me.

"But it can't be true," I cried, gripping the edge of the counter. "Wait! If he tried to kill you..."

"He did try," Rowan growled.

"Enough, Rowan," Rian whispered with harshness. "Give the lass some time to work it out."

The brothers standing side by side were blurry and distorted as tears clouded my eyes. "If he tried to kill you," I choked out again, "that means you're... you're-"

"Werewolves," Rian answered.

"Werewolves..." I whispered, swallowing hard, and wrapped my arms around my body. I am in the twilight zone, I thought as I stumbled toward the closest chair.


Well, Fiona is a little firecracker, isn't she? Maybe she can tame the beast who blames her for her father's crimes... Rian is perhaps a bit sweet on her, I think. He's a nice guy... I mean werewolf! More to come soon. Happy Sunday and thanks for reading! xxxooo

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