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"I know."

"Will you stay this time...for good?"

"I don't know."


"Eyes on the road, Buster."

Brian smiled, knowing Dakota was merely teasing now. They pulled up to a park.


"Just relax, Kota. I promise you'll like it."

Dakota groaned as Brian covered her eyes with a blindfold. Brian kept one hand on Dakota's back, the other held hers to help her. He helped her sit down and removed the blindfold.

Dakota took a deep breath. A river, pink flowers, and a picnic. Just like the first time. Brian rubbed the back of his neck.

"I though, maybe..."

"It's fine, perfect even."

Brian smiled little.

Brian joined her on the blanket. It was old fashion yes, but Dakota didn't mind. A reminder of their first real  date was nice, relaxing even.

"Corona or wine?" Brian asked.

"Corona," Dakota answered.

Brian smiled, handing a bottle to her. Dakota took it, popping off the lid and taking a drink.

"I haven't drank corona since I left-I haven't even drank."

Brian chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink. "You stopped a lot of things when you left, didn't you?"

Dakota nodded. "Even racing."

Brian nodded, laying down. Dakota looked at him, eyes searching his face for answers. Brian smiled and sat back up. Dakota put her drink down.

Brian picked her up and carried her. Dakota laughed for the first time in a long time. Brian carefully tossed her in the water. Dakota jumped up and splashed him on his shirt.

Brian came in after her, causing Dakota to laugh when he splashed her back. They moved out of the water after a few more minutes, sitting on the edge with their feet still in the water.

"You owe me a new shirt-and a shower." Dakota said.

Brian chuckled. "Ready to go?"

Dakota nodded, smiling a little.

"You seem happier."

"It's been a good day, I'm glad I decided to come."

"Maybe Katie can come sometime."

"Or you."

Brian looked at her.

"I'm taking Katie to the waterpark tomorrow. You can come if you'd like." Dakota said.

Brian nodded.

"The others too."

"Sure thing."

Brian grabbed a blanket out of the back of his car and wrapped it around Dakota before getting what he brought put up. Dakota was half way asleep when he got back. Brian smiled.


"Momma!" Katie squealed.

"Shh, Katie. She's asleep." Mia said softly as Brian came in.

Dom smiled lightly at the sight. Dakota had her head rested against Brian's chest, her hand slightly clenching his shirt.

Brian carried Dakota to her room and laid her down. He moved a couple of strands of hair from her face and left her to rest. Brian shut the door and found Katie looking up at him.

"You love my momma," Katie said.

"Yes, I do." Brian replied.

"Does she know?"

Brian nodded.

"Does she love you?"

"I don't know."

Katie looked at him.

Brian sighed. "She left us, almost 11 years ago."

"But you still love her."

Brian nodded.

"Why do you love my momma so much?"

"It was a long time ago, but to this day, your mom is just as beautiful as ever to me. Even if she doesn't want anything to do with me." Brian said.

"I like you," Katie said.

Brian smiled. "I like you too, Katie."

Katie grinned and hugged his leg before running off. Brian watched her for a moment, his daughter...with the woman he still loved to this day.

The Queen Of The Roads *Fast and Furious Fan Fiction* *COMPLETE*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin