Quills and Parchment?!?

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It was the 31st of July and also Harry's birthday. He woke up very excited because his aunt and uncle had told him he would be getting some special surprises. He wondered what they would be doing or what he would be getting.

On Dudley's birthday they went to the zoo and it was very fun. However, Harry experienced a very peculiar thing. One of the snakes had talked to him! He also realized that the glass vanished when some random kid was banging on the glass. He thought it was weird and told his aunt and uncle whilst Dudley said that he wanted to be able to talk to snakes too. His aunt Petunia said that it was just one of Harry's talents but unfortunately Dudley and Harry may not have the same talents. But that it was okay because they were each special and unique in their own ways. Some of Harry's other talents included being able to get on a roof without climbing, moving things around with his mind, and karate. Uncle Vernon made sure to sign both kids up to karate. As he said you never know when someone needs decked.

Anyway, Harry sprinted down stairs from his bedroom to find his family sat around the table with his presents and pancakes. Oddly his aunt was holding a letter but he paid it no mind. Harry got straight to work unwrapping his gifts after breakfast and promptly thanks his guardians for the presents. He got a new iPhone with a great camera and audio, a portable WiFi box, a baseball bat, some clothes, some new stickers, and a Polaroid with refills. Harry was very pleased that he could develop his photography skills and play baseball with Dudley and Vernon. He was very good because of his speed and good aim.

Finally his aunt passed him the letter which was curiously addressed to him in a green ink? Who uses ink anymore? Petunia then sat down "Harry before you open that letter there is something we need to discuss with both you boys. You know all that stuff about magic and wizards that we sometimes talk about". Both boys replied "yes?". "It is real and Harry is a wizard. Your parents were also wizards and that's why some strange things happen around you. However you are both still completely equal and are both extremely special to us" Petunia finished off. Dudley asked "wait, does that mean Harry has to go to a special magic school? I don't want him to leave" whilst Harry said "well, I mean science says people can't teleport so at least I now know that I am human and not an alien". Petunia replied to both statements "yes darling, Harry does need to go to a special school called Hogwarts. But it will be okay because you guys can chat on the phones we bought both of you for your birthdays. We also got Harry a portable WiFi box in case Hogwarts doesn't have WiFi. As for you Harry, feel free to ask me any questions about the wizarding world and I shall try to answer. You can also ask about your parents death but I would suggest leaving that to a later time." Harry replied "great, thanks! But this letter says I need to get supplies so where do we go to buy this stuff?" Vernon answered this time "We will be going shopping in August for both of your school supplies. We will use the way to Diagon Alley that Petunia remembers Lily using to buy the more magical stuff. We also got the key to your parents bank vault from that old guy who brought you to us. He really didn't consider that we had a Ring door bell. And it turns out wizards can receive letters from other sources but owls when you send it through the mailbox enough. Ha". Dudley replied "does that mean we can see real magic?" Vernon said "maybe. But you best be wary around wizards until you know them. Some apparently hold the belief that muggles are inferior to them. Well, they haven't quite gotten the hang of guns so really we are fifty/fifty. They can levitate stuff and we can shoot. You, my boys, must hone the art of both and teach those suckers that all are equal". Harry nodded because he knew that people had judged him on being an orphan and also having a different skin tone. Dudley often stopped that by offering to throw those bullies to their faces, but when he went to Hogwarts he wouldn't have Dudley to help him fight. He would have to be brave on his own.


Dudley ran into a door. On purpose. He was very excited to meet an actual goblin. On the other other hand, Petunia was going to the bathroom as the mine-cart ride was disagreeing with her stomach. Vernon was stubbornly complaining about the amount of non-standard fittings that Gringotts had and that some blonde wizard had not known what football was when he started talking about last nights game. Harry was in heaven as his family caused a small amount of chaos whilst Harry tried to figure out the muggle equivalent of the wizard money he just took out. Vernon turned to the two boys and said "how about you two go ahead to the robe shop, whilst I look after Petunia?" The cousin looked at each other and then at Vernon. Harry exclaimed "of course! We will be very well-behaved". Vernon said his goodbyes and then walked off muttering something about well-behaved my ass.

Harry chooses chaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang