01} Great (?) News!

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RING RING! Heh, that's right. It's another wonderful school day for students of Hights Junior High. Hallways of chatter, teachers fly by, it's just hectic.

Now obviously, as narrator, I have to follow this painfully written script and find a student you'll probably be interested in. Hmm, let's see, there's Noah Shavanshi, urm, nevermind, he's in the corner picking his nose. How about Daisy's Mcdonald, oof, too sweet and tidy, yet so scared of the social life, way too quiet.

Oh! Here, Sarah Masock. (Don't question the last name, instead, admire it.) Just like every other day here, she gets her belongings for her next class. Textbook, check, pencil case, check, binder, also check. Her sweet inside voice giving her the reminders of everything she'll need for class.

Sarah is unique, in a normal way, I guess. (I said unique to make her sound special, guess she isn't now that I mentioned it.) Just your typical 14 year-old, plus her majestic black braids, she's a friendly, yet confident person, if I say so myself! Let's just say that Sarah is literally that one person in school that almost no one can hate. (That's just how awesome she is!)

"Hey Sarah!!" Shouts her best friend, Bella. Her yellow strands of hair flowing back and fourth as she runs to her bestie.

"Oh, hey Bella." Replies Sarah, closing her locker as she takes the final garments needed for class out.

"Goodness, I had quite the crazy morning, like always." Bella pouts. It seemed normal since this was how she was every day.

"Lemme guess," Sarah say, "Your toaster broke which nearly set the house on fire, you lost your airpods, AND you forgot to water your flowers."

"Heh, your so good at mesmerizing my morning now, hey?" Bella laughs. "But that isn't what happened this time." She finishes.

"Oh? Well chop chop, spill the beans and let your good ol' friend here know what's up!" Sarah says.

"Well," Bella starts, "I just found out the person you rest your eyes on now has a girlfriend." Bella says, leaving a sort of shook face on Sarah.

WOAH. Okay, now that's some context, let's back up to 3 years ago. Then, Sarah, a 6th grader, was new to her elementary school. Just a webble little girl trying to adjust to this new setting. Luckily, she finds her best of all best friends there as well as her 'up to now' crush, Benjamin Jolter.

His smooth oval-shaped jawline, his tender eyes, his smooth pink lips, his blonde hair, blue eyes and deep ass voice. (Ugh, such a way to introduce someone without sounding like your in love with them as your describing them. Just like I said, the author tortured me with this mind punching script, not me!)

Not just his physical features, but the ones deep inside of him. He's funny, talkative, open-minded and just the perfect being to be with. No wonder Sarah loves this guy!

But of course, fate obviously had to ruin that. They weren't in the same class, so Sarah just discovered him at recess. When it was recess, they don't interact, not even say 'hi'! It's like she wants to speak with him, but can never say a word once he appears in her presence.

Back to present day now, we have still- shook Sarah, her jaw nearly breaking open and falling as far down as the ocean goes.

"WHAT?!" She shouts. Gosh, she said that way too loud, all the students seemed to take a look at her for a sec before going back to their peaceful (Or crazy, I don't know, I can't eavesdrop into every convo happening out here!) conversations.

"Shhh, geez! Not so loud!" Bella whispers in a harsh tone. "I didn't think it would be that deep for you."

"How do you think it wouldn't?" Sarah asks, "I had a crush on him for 3 years now, Bella, what do you think?"

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