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"You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending?"

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"You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending?"

- T.S


"I CAN ONLY IMAGINE what you must be feeling right now." Cyclone went on to say, was that supposed to be comforting? How could he possibly understand what we are going through? I didn't know he lost the man who helped raise him on the same day. All his words did was make that hole in my heart grow. This is real. He's really gone and nothing can change that fact. "Take some time, whatever you need." He stated nonchalantly, " We appreciate that sir, but there is no time. The mission–I'll be taking over training from here." The expression on Fallon's face told Mavrick that she wasn't going to be leaving that office without words being shared to say the least. "Sir?" We questioned, in confusion and a hase of indifferent emotions. "Sir,they're not ready. –It was your job to get them ready."

I bit my lip trying and pleading with my pride not to say a word that would get me or my dad in trouble. "With all due respect Sir, they have to believe that this mission can be flown and if they don't you'll be explaining to their loved ones that their dead in a box." I stated, trying to hold back the venom that so desperately wanted to pour out. "And all you and your father here have proven that it can't." Cyclone ended. Sir–"you're grounded," Captain—"permanently. That will be all." He stated coldly dismissing us. "Fine, but I hope you have enough boxes Sir!" I exclaimed storming out of his office. I was once a girl who lived her life wanting to be perfect for everyone, the perfect daughter, the perfect girl, I realized that trying to be perfect for everyone was taking me away from who I actually was. I discovered that when brad and my mom left. I cared so heavily on vanity and opinions and realized I was only hurting myself inside. So I can either be stuck in that past and still be that 16 year old girl or...grow the hell up and suck it up.

"I knew I'd find you here." I heard Rooster's voice say from behind me as I sat near the water, feeling the sand beneath me, feeling the tears trickle down my face. What do you want? I question with a crack in my voice as I wipe tears away, what was the point they kept falling. I hadn't cried this much since my mom left. He sat next to me, knees in his chest in the sand, place and handed over them, looking in my hurt brown eyes. Looking at his eye trained on mine more tears fell he grabbed me pulling me into his chest. "He's really gone...Brad. Everyone in my life has either left me or been taken from me. Maybe New York's..where I should be." I spoke, fighting every urge to let go. Rooster looked at me as I uttered every word, wiping each tear that fell. "I love you, Mav loves you, and you leaving Fightertown to run away from pain and love won't do you any good." He went lifting my chin, making my eyes stare into his. "You hear me?" I nodded, looking back at him leaning in as his lips crashed into mine. Our kiss deepend, "let's get out of here." I suggested in a whisper as our lips detached.
"You sure?" Rooster questioned, as I removed my shirt revealing my green bralette with my back against the wall. "I'm sure."Giving him confirmation to take off his shirt revealing his toned abs, connecting our lips once more. He picked me up carrying me into his room laying me on his bed.

5:30 AM

She laid wrapped up in my sheets, covering her, swallowing her whole. Fallon was so at ease, peaceful, I almost forgot how she slept, like nothing else mattered, like she was the only person on the planet lying in a bed. I trailed my finger over her as she slept soundly living in this moment with.  She was hurting, she saw Ice as a second father, he was. Kinda like how I once saw Mav, but times change so do people. That's life. You can either get on that plane..or don't. Either way it's an inevitable outcome. With fall, it's always been the same; I don't see myself with anyone else but Fallon Elizabeth Mitchell. I've been in love with her since we were 18 long before we knew the definition of love. I fucked up like we all do, young and dumb at that age right? Fallon was the type of girl you didn't let slip away or you'll regret it, the type of girl who was guarded more than she was then, then now but her walls remained up. The type of girl who wanted her love captured in a photograph.

She soon woke to his alarm in an empty bed hearing the shower running. Fallon stretched out feeling the silk sheets coercing her skin. I remember my days of training waking up at 5:30 on the dot getting ready to head to the hard deck. Flying planes was my passion it was all I'd known then one day I let it go, without reason I just didn't want it as bad as I did. It was like when you want something so bad and you'll do anything to get, then when it's yours you realize it wasn't as fulfilling as you hoped. The young girl was dragged out of her thoughts by something as simple as a knock on the door. She soon got up grabbing one of Roosters shirts placing it over her head walking out of his bedroom to the front door. As she approached she heard a voice that was all too familiar; "Bradley, it's Charlie Mitchel..Fallon's mo"—Fallon soon swings open the door before she could finish. "What are you doing here?" I questioned her, it was like seeing a ghost. "Baby girl.."She dragged out placing my hair behind my ear.

"I heard about Tom

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"I heard about Tom..baby I'm so sorry—
"Don't..don't do that don't make it seem like you know how I'm feeling you're the absent mother remember? You made that bed. Now lie in it."I ended soon feeling a presence coming from behind me, "what's going on?" Bard questions, noticing how tense my body was, grabbing my free hand placing it in his. "Nothing. She was just leaving." "No—Fallon I know you're upset—— upset? You think? You left us! It's been 7 YEARS mom!!"

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