ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Tutting quietly, Faun watched as the map program loaded the address. Once it did, she immediately put it into street mode. A click and drag of the mouse showed a row of trees lining a huge parking lot, which was situated in front of an even larger construction zone. Undyne hummed, causing Sophie's curiosity to grow. "What's the address showing?"

"A construction zone." Faun answered, looking perplexed. "When was the map last updated, though?" Undyne asked her. "Ah... this section specifically was last updated almost a year ago." Faun answered, as she simultaneously continued to look around the camera view for any more clues. "Ooh-!" She nodded to the computer screen. "There's a sign saying what they were building."

"It's blurred, though." Undyne noted. "But," Faun went on. "The colors for the logo are still distinct." Undyne slowly nodded. "Yeah... Yeah I think I can see it." Sophie was beginning to lean over the desk, also wanting to see. "Can I look?" Faun hummed an "mhm" and promptly turned the monitor around for her to see. "Recognize the logo, Soph'?" Undyne asked. After analyzing it briefly, a victorious smirk grew on Sophie's face. "Yep, that's the logo for 'Fazbear Entertainment'!"

"Bingo!" Undyne cheered. She stood up straight again, and was already making her way back around the desk. "Faun, send my the address." The doe monster nodded, already doing just that. "And Sophie, show this location on the map to Gold just for extra confirmation." Sophie smiled. "Leaving now." Looking satisfied, Undyne then announced, "I've got a phone call to make with a chief of police. Excuse me." With that, Undyne and Sophie parted ways—with Faun continuing to type away at the computer.

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Ballora was looking over her four 'Minireenas', who all sat in a row on the cushioned bench in the front entry room of the restaurant. "Are you girls all here?" Puppet asked, returning to the room. Ballora turned to face him. "Yes," He smiled. "So, what did you want to tell us?" She wondered, the question resulting in a few small nods from their girls. "We've decided on a new plan for how we'll all get home."

"Really?" Tina asked, quietly gasping in excitement. Her dad nodded. "The idea is for us to leave the same way Gold did." At that, Ballora looked a bit skeptical. "By bus?" She assumed. "Yes, by bus." Puppet confirmed. "But, what about the fare? I mean, with how long it took to pay for Gold's bus fare..." Putting a reassuring hand on his wife's shoulder, the Marionette gave her a certain look. "That won't be an issue, don't worry." Her skeptical expression remained for a moment more before it dissipated. "If you say so."

"Will everyone get to go on the bus, Daddy?" Mina wondered. Her dad shook his head 'no'. "We can't all go at once, there's too many of us." He told her. "Instead, you girls and Mommy will ride first. Once you're home, then we'll send Gus Gus and Fritz." He explained. Ballora hummed. "Seems like a good idea." She commented. "We sort of figured that, if they've been working to move 'assets', then they'll probably assume that's what happened to you guys. Or, we hope so, anyways."

"Still, it'll be a good thing if there's more of us back home." Ballora said. Puppet nodded in agreement. "And, when do we leave?" Came her next question. "As soon as the funds for the fare-"

"Hold it!" Someone interrupted. Baby came into the room, staring daggers at the Marionette. "I'm sorry, are you sending my sister away? Huh?!" Ballora shook her head a little. "Ella, wait a second, you-" But, her sister held up a silencing hand to her. "You're not doing anything with my sister, do you hear me?! Much less will you take her away from me!" Puppet opened his mouth to speak, except Ballora beat him to the punch. She took her sister's hand. "Ella, listen to me, please."

"... Don't call me that." Baby mumbled, adding, "I already told you...!" Keeping herself from looking upset, Ballora simply gave Baby a nod. "Sorry. Can you just hear me out for a second?" Baby looked down to the floor, but stayed silent to let her older sister speak. "I know you can't remember... but we don't belong here. We have a home somewhere else. Somewhere we're free." Baby glanced back up at her sister, looking puzzled. "We need to leave, and trust me when I say that, before you know it, we'll all be back together. Somewhere other than this awful place."

"... Really?" Baby asked, looking apprehensive of being hopeful. Her sister gave her a reassuring smile. "Yes, really." Ballora told her, sounding wholly certain. She then gave her younger sister a hug. Her 'Minireenas' hopped off their seat to also join in, showing their aunt some love. "Can you just trust us?" She requested. Quietly sighing, Baby nodded against Ballora's shoulder. "Okay... sure." The younger of the two simultaneously looked in Puppet's direction again, this time, without glaring. Stepping back from the hug, she told him, "My sister had better be safe, wherever it is you're sending her."

"You have my word." Puppet assured her, one hand held up and the other crossing his heart. Baby shook her head a little. "Mhm... Anyways," She turned her attention back to Ballora. "A few of us are getting a bite to eat. I was just coming over to tell you." Baby informed her. "Okay, we'll join you shortly." Ballora answered. With a quiet hum, Baby looked down to the four girls, gave them each an affectionate pat on their heads, and turned to leave down the small hallway.

"'Mare?" Puppet looked to Ballora. "Once me and the girls get back, can Ella be sent out next?" He gave her a sympathetic look, yet smiled anyways. "Of course, why not." His wife smiled in return, looking grateful. Then, Puppet's eyes suddenly widened a little. "Oh, there's one thing I want you to know. For when you get home."


"My dad is in town." Ballora's eyes, too, widened. "He is?" Her smile grew. "That's wonderful!" Puppet half smiled, but chuckled a bit nervously. "I just wanted to tell you to maybe... be careful when you meet him?" Ballora blinked. "Why?" He continued. "I remember, back when I was very young, my dad had this... I guess a hatred for humans. Well, he always has. And, er..." Ballora's eyes narrowed a little, making her looked even more confused. "Wait," She began, slowly connecting the dots. "You think he won't be friendly with me because I appear human?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Puppet answered, sounding unsure. "Sorry, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe he'll think you're wonderful, but you know... just in case?" Ballora shook her head a little and laughed. "Well don't worry, I don't intend on making a bad first impression when I meet my father-in-law." She reassured him. Rosette then suddenly let out a loud and dramatic gasp. Both Puppet and Ballora looked down at them. "What?!"

"Are you sayin'," She began, looking her dad straight in the eye. "We has a grandpa?!" The 'Minireenas' parents began laughing. Puppet knelt down to their level. "Yes, you're Grandpa is in town. I'm sure he'll love you girls." Having Rosette's question confirmed, pure excitement could be seen on the four girls' faces. "Can we go home now? Please??"

"Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow night. Alright?" The 'Minireenas' all nodded excitedly, answering in unison, "Okay!"

Another interruption came by, when Springtrap and Freddy rushed into the room. "Puppet?" Standing up, the Marionette looked over to them. "Lolbit spotted something outside." Freddy said, gesturing for him to follow them. Puppet looked back to his family. Ballora nodded for him to go, to which he did. The three went down the hallway.

"What did she find?" The Marionette asked. "There's vehicles parked near the entrance of the parking lot, and out back—by the warehouse door." Springtrap said, concern clear in his tone. Their stride paused momentarily, the rabbit putting a hand on the Marionette's forearm. He looked at him, his expression relaying the seriousness of what he was about to say. "They're cop cars."

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Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now