
A few hours later you wake up, your body on high alert. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you could feel goosebumps all over your skin. Your brain was telling you not to open your eyes but your body knew something was wrong, really fucking wrong.
You lie still, trying to look like you were asleep but your blood runs cold when you hear something shuffle against the wooden floor next to the couch.

Was that a foot?

You try and slow your heart rate, aware that your chest is probably giving away how much you're panicking internally. Whoever, or whatever, it was might not have seen you. The cabin is dark, maybe there's a chance you've not been spotted.
"I know you're awake" you hear a voice say. It was a man's voice, it was low and husky but there was an air to it, almost inhuman.

Your breathing shallows as you build up the courage to open your eyes. Your senses had already told you that whatever it is is a danger so you try and pump the adrenaline round your body and get ready to run.
You open your eyes and see a dark figure sat on one of the crates facing the couch. It was sat upright and you could already feel it staring at you and it's intentions felt sinister, like you could sense the evil within it.
You jump off the sofa and hurl your body towards the door but the figure is quicker. It jumps off the crate and grabs you and hurls your body against the wall next to the door with a painful thud.

I was so close

You scream as loud as you can but you feel a cold hand press against your mouth. You can feel it's human but the coldness, even for nighttime in Hawkins it was unnatural. You struggle against the pressure being held against you by your attackers body but they're too strong, no matter how hard you struggle you can't get free.
You hear a lighter click and the flame rises up to your face and you watch in horror as the flame stops next to your cheek and illuminates the face of the thing holding you captive.
You close your eyes tight, trying to protect yourself against whatever horror it is that's about to be seared into your brain.
"Y/N open your eyes" the voice says in the same low tone.

How does it know my name?

You open them and recognise the face in front of you immediately. You knew him from school and more recently from the missing persons flyers around town with red pentagrams graffitied over them.
You notice his eyes first, before they were big and brown, now they were tinged with red with dark cireles underneath them. He had a large scar on his cheek, almost like a bite mark and his skin is pale, unnaturally pale. His lips are open as he watches you stare at him and he hears your heart beat faster as your gaze drops to his mouth.

Behind his lips you can see two sharp fangs poking just below his top lip.

He sees the panic in your eyes and the tears start to fall from them. He can feel his excitement as he hears the blood rush through your veins, pumping the panic and terror through your body and he tries to suppress the part of his new form that he despises.

Scared blood tastes so much better and I hate that I know that

"Y/N I'm not going to hurt you but I need you to stay calm" he says. He looks into your eyes and waits for some kind of acknowledgment of his request before he can remove his hand from your mouth.
You nod slowly and take a deep breath as he backs away from you to let you regain your composure.

"Eddie... Eddie Munson? You've been here this whole time? It's been weeks!" You say, trying to calm the shaking in your voice.
He nods, sitting back down on the crate he had been watching you from.
"But why? Why didn't you go back to town?
There are posters of you everywhere" you ask.
You hear him laugh and there's an ethereal ring to it that makes you shiver.
"Because I'm a monster. In more ways than one" he mumbles.
You sit back down on the couch with shaking legs as the adrenaline starts to leave you and your eyes slowly start to adjust to the darkness, letting you see his features better and you can see the look of pure despair on his face.
"You know no-one believes that satanist bullshit? Not with everything else going on" you respond, reminding yourself of the earthquake.
"It's not that. I'm not me anymore, I'm something else. Something dangerous" he whispers.

Eddie Munson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now