Chapter 4

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[Jenny Lesko]

I'm not looking forward to dinner with Uncle James and Aunt Kathy. Not only, I've spent a lot more time with them than with my parents over the last two months, but they always have an ulterior motive for approaching me—making me marry Hunter Hyde. I don't care anymore if they get me disinherited. I don't want to marry him if then he'll make me suffer like Hell.

As expected, they've brought their protégé here. Why can't he stay at home for once? I want Alex to be here instead. He'd make me comfortable, he'd know his way around this bunch of vipers. Plus, he truly loves me. The same can't be said about Hunter. He barely even talks to me, if not to put me down.

Tonight is no exception, of course. Instead of making small talk or just asking me how I feel, Hunter immediately shows off his smug smile and sneers. "You look worn out, Jenny. Are you sure you're sleeping enough?"

I scoff. "My sleeping schedule is not your business, Hunter. How about you wipe that frown off your face before I smash it?" I gasp as I realize I've crossed the line. Aunt and Uncle throw pointed glares at me. If what I've just said is enough to make any possible agreement void, I still don't care. I don't want to marry a patronizing piece of shit.

"I'd slap you if we were alone. You know better than that, Jenny. You don't want to piss me off further, do you?" Hunter raises an eyebrow, but I don't give in. I roll my eyes and quiver my lips. I need to find an excuse to leave this hellish dinner. I need to find Bella or Beth. They'll rescue me. They've always done so when I was stuck with this dickface.

"Your threat speaks volumes about you. You degrade women, you make them feel like shit to please your little man's ego." My words are bloody fire. They burn like Hell, they hurt like Hell. But he's the Devil. A little fire won't do him any harm. It's time to take action.

I plead, displaying my most fake puppy eyes. "Now, Hunter, you think you're all high and mighty, but how about you sit down for a moment? I'll go and pick something upstairs I need to show you. Stay put." He obeys and takes a sit opposite Aunt Kathy. I bolt upstairs, hoping to have fooled him as he deserves.

Taking advantage of general distraction, I pick a white envelope in my wardrobe, stuff it along with a few cardboards and a file in my black bag, wear my favorite dark sunglasses and prepare myself to tip toe my way out of the house. I'm almost certain I'll get caught, but I can't be sure unless I try.

By the moment I pass the threshold and exit that hellish place, I run, not looking back, and don't even close the door behind me. What I care about is that I can try and find Alex. He needs to know we're not close as we want because of my family. I don't want him to worry about being a liability. If anything, Aunt and Uncle are, not he.

I run until I see a silver sports car sprinting close to me. I stop as my breath turns heavier. The car's windows go down, revealing none other than Alex. I guess I'm lucky now! I just need to jump on and leave with him. The fake proposal must wait further. That is, unless Hunter gives up as he should.

Alex gestures at me to get on the car, which I do. I take the seat next to him and fasten my belt. He pulls the windows up and speeds up again. Concerned at him possibly getting in trouble with the police, I warn him. "Slow down a little bit, please, or you'll get a ticket."

He flashes me a reassuring smile. "Jenny, I know my way around cars. I've always respected speed limits, and this time is no exception. I can't stand the idea of you still being around that dickface." He frowns at the indirect mention of that man.

I suggest, embarrassed at the situation. "Let's not talk about him. Let's just focus on ourselves. How are you, by the way? Has your mother finally found her brooch?" Maybe I should've brought up a lighter topic. That brooch is the most precious item Alex's mother has. It's a family treasure and, as such, its loss caused disarray in their family.

"Don't worry about that. She found it. She forgot she moved it to a different jewel case for reorganizing," he answers, his foot ready to hit the brake, never losing sight of the wheel. We reach the traffic light; since it's turned red, he stops.

I sigh out of relief. "I'm glad she found it. Anyway, there's something I need to get off my chest before it's too late..." I carefully avoid pronouncing that name or the fateful word. I'm here with Alex to escape trouble, not to be sucked back into it.

"What is it?" he asks, curiosity filling his glance. He doesn't know that, since we saw each other last time, I've dealt with Hunter thrice in the span of two weeks. That man really knows how to mess with my mind. He claims he doesn't love me, so why is he still following my uncle and aunt?

If this is a way for him to enter the family business, he'll find a locked door in front of him. There's no way I'll marry him. He has to accept we're not meant for each other and leave me alone. I want to be with Alex. He protects me, he always makes me feel welcome, he cares about me more than anyone else apart from his family.

No plots, no business affairs and such will destroy our love, at least in my fantasy. I hope it will match reality as soon as possible, because this limbo I've been living in for two years is unbearable. I'm willing to pay the price for not caving to Uncle and Aunt's plans, even if it entails being disinherited and cut off.

The car restarts and I finally muster the courage to reveal my secret to Alex. "Listen, I... It's about my family. More precisely, their heirloom." His face darkens as soon as I pronounce that word. I continue, my voice turning heavier at every sentence. "My destiny is tied to my part in the family will.

"In other words, to gain access to it, I have to comply with a set of conditions established by my relatives. My grandparents had originally settled for something softer, but Uncle James changed everything."

Silence falls in the car. My eyes are filled with tears. I'm broken inside. It's the first time I've opened up that much about the will. Neither Bella nor Beth know such details. The fact I'm telling Alex first means one thing: I'm ready to risk it all to live with him. Fuck the status quo.

I sob. "Grandma only said I had to marry someone and wait until I turn twenty-eight to have access to it, but that sly piece of shit played dirty and turned it into me having to marry Hunter. I'm sorry." The last two words hit harder than a storm. Alex stops at the first available parking lot.

He takes his hands off the wheel and pulls me in a passionate kiss.

Tangled and Twisted ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt