Chapter 18

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"Where's everyone else?" You began to walk out of the strip mine. "Listen, uhm, they ain't really gonna want to talk to me for a minute." Techno looked away almost shamefully. "Why?" You furrowed your brows. "Well, I did something I shouldn't have, and I don't think they'll quite understand why I did." He explained quite vaguely. "Why not just wait till they're a bit less mad and apologize," You smiled as if it was quite as simple as stealing someone's toy.

Technoblade agreed, not willing to admit to you that he had killed someone you seemed so fond of. You were a child, and if you were any other child he would be more than happy to traumatize you. But you were practically stuck with him, and he was unadmittedly okay with that. He couldn't stand to see you afraid of him, not until he could easily justify his actions and get forgiveness from the others. He couldn't bring himself to drag you into the world of war.

"Do you think they'll be mad at me too?" You spoke up. "Hopefully not, but I think everyone's a bit shaken up and hurt right now." He explained. He was far more caring then he knew he could be, but no one else was there to see his one weakness, so he found it less difficult to be vulnerable, especially around you.

He vowed the mistake every fighter made was having a liability, or something that controlled them easily. He found it stupid that people cared so much for their fish, or discs, or their friend, because although he cared the biggest mistake he could make is to show it. By having an emotional liability he has given control to anyone who took it. But now he understood.

You continued walking out, noticeably wincing when taking hard steps. Technoblade then looked you over fully, noticing things he'd been too relieved to notice. "Wait what actually happened? Why are you so beat up?" He asked. You had bruises all over, and a scar on your head, light blood still dripping from your leg. You had bruises lining your back (courtesy of Schlatt) that Techno hadn't seen yet. Your brief explanation hadn't quite satisfied his worries. "Well I ran from the beard man that was chasing me, Schlatt." You pointed to scrapes from the chase and wall. "Then after a day or so he got me and I was locked up for a while, and- he" you began crying. You remembered how helpless you felt those days locked up. You began to wipe your eyes.

Techno further questioned what the 'president' had done, to which you showed him the bruises Schlatt had given you during his drunken tantrums. "Ill kill that bastard myself," Technoblade felt his resolve melting away, replaced with irrationality and anger. He had just assumed you'd left or died, and lived with that sorrow without further investigation. When he snuck in to get his stuff, he saw blood on the ground near where he'd seen you, and a crumbled, dirty, drawing you'd planned in giving to Philza.

"Quackity let me out yesterday though. And that's when he gave me the compass blah blah blah." You tipped your head to alternating sides as you motioned the 'blah blah blah'.  Techno then in turn, explained what'd happened after you'd gone. He'd run off after those who'd been banished, siding with them for the inevitable battle that Technoblade saw in the future. He'd quickly gone back to get you the next day, but found the house untouched except for some iron having been stolen. He knew it wouldn't be you, since you, being a child, had no need for riches. He searched around and asked people about you, to no avail. The only thing left of your existence being the things you'd bought from him and the poorly drawn scribbles you'd made.

Technoblade had to return to working on a project he deemed 'an adults only project'. You were of course annoyed by this, and begged to help. He agreed reluctantly and told you you could help move things to the proper chests. This was intentional as he'd correctly guessed you'd get bored of the task and do something else. However, he didn't quite guess what that something else would be.

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