Chapter 8

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You walked through the paths of the village, the citizens all having the same style clothing. Kids of all ages ran up and down the streets, and you smiled at the familiar yet new surrounding. You'd been in countless villages, and although you hadn't specifically been to this one, they were all similar enough that you felt like you'd been here before.

A kid came up to you and touched you, lightly pushing you to the side while yelling "tag!". He escaped while you were picking up Otis (he'd made the plushie fall onto the ground). He didn't get far though, since he fell face first into the grass next to the pathway after being tripped by Technoblade. You stared up at him as the tall man bent down to the hurt 10-year-old. "Tag." Techno whispered in an ominous voice as he flicked the kid in the head.

The man then quickly walked to a store on the next street, fleeing from the scene. The pig man looked quite amused with his actions as he helped you look for shirts and sweaters amongst the shelves. "What's ye'r favorite color?" He asked, looking through the shelves. "Yellow!" You held up a shirt with a yellow checkered design on it. "That's a shit color." Techno responded. "What's your favorite color?" You asked back. "Blue." The man didn't even spare you a glance. "That's uh.. that'sa shit color!" You said. He looked down at you, internally smiling at your constant copy-like behavior. "Don't say that." He said as you payed at the register and went to a bedding shop.

"You ended up getting a twin sized bed (that was still a bit big for you) with light purple covers and pillows. On your way out of the shop, you walked past the boy Technoblade had pushed earlier, he was holding an ice-pack to his face and whispered to his mom as he pointed. At you.

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