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"Mommy your alive?" Sehkani exclaimed as her eyes began filling up with tears, She stood there in the dark empty black room as water swayed below under their feet. She was to stunned to even. acknowledge where she was, She was just happy.

Trisha smiled as she held her arms out. Sehkani wasted no time running into her mothers arms, This is when she knew it wasn't a hallucination like her other ones, She could actually feel.

"Mommy it's really you.." She smiled, pulling away from the hug although she didn't want to.

Trisha nodded before grabbing both of Sehkanis hands, "My baby is growing on me.." She frowned, rubbing Sehkani eyebrow softly.

Sehkani stood there and stared at her mother features, Everything was exactly the same besides her bruises she had when she passed. Sehkani furrowed her eyebrows, She was getting a iffy feeling inside but she didn't know why.

She didn't truly believe this was her mother, how couldn't it be? - or how could it be. Sehkani did watch her mother die right in front of her, there was no coming back from that.

disorder i'm not known of?
daydreaming ?

Her mind raced with million of thoughts and questions as she searched for something on her mother face, "I watched you die.." She blurted, watching her mother eyes go wide.

The dark room filled with silence as the two brownskin ladies stared at one another. Sehkani showed no emotion as her mother was on the verge of crying.

"I watched him verbally and physically abuse you into suicide. I watched you pick up those pills and down it like it was nothing. I watched you write your suicidal note. I watched you wait till dad left the house before killing yourself. Mom you looked me.. Three year old me in my eyes before dying." Sehkani blinked.

She wanted to do nothing but cry, she couldn't. Her body was emptied. Her eyes gave out. The last bit of tears she had, she wasted on seeing whom she thought her 'mother'.

Trisha blinked her tears away as her bottom lip trembled, "It really is me baby.. It's just - I need you to wake up. I need you to return to those that can actually love you and care for you. I need you to return to that boy Sehkani, Y'all need each other. It'll be selfish for me to make you stay here wimme, I'll always love you but please return to that boy."

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