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Sehkani now 18 years old, sat in her room fiddling with her mother picture in her hands. Her death anniversary was approaching soon, one of the most hardest days for her. Sehkani won't eat, talk and sometimes breathe when that day come. Several nurses have to check on her every 20 minutes.

"Ima make you proud once I get outta here." She sniffed, watching a tear slide down her cheek and land on the photo. She sighed before placing the picture away in her small bag.

Sehkani jumped as she stared at Mekai standing in her door frame, "I told you about scaring me like that, Knock or something." She chuckled, wiping her tears.

Mekai shrugged before allowing himself inside her room, He plopped on her bed before looking over at Sehkani.

Mekai knew her mothers death day was arriving. His little brothers death day was arriving as well, exactly one day apart from Sehkani's mothers.

"Kai, How come you won't tell me when you get released?" Sehkani frowned, flickering her eyes up to his brown almond eyes.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "It ain't that important to me."

Sehkani sighed dramatically before laying her head on his shoulder, "I just wanna see how long apart our releases is."

"Two days." He mumbled, Sehkani jumped up before frowning, "My mothers death day? No, why would they do that! I can't handle that alone. Please." She began panicking.

Mekai usually would help Sehkani her through that day, made sure she ate, showered and breathing fine. He knew she didn't like how the nurses treated her. They treated her harsh, because they think she's only doing that to her attention or special treatment, but who would wanna be watched every 20 mins? no privacy? not Sehkani.

"Calm down Kani." He sighed grabbing her hand before placing it on his arm, "Trace butterflies."

Sehkani began tracing butterflies on his arm, She felt her nerves calm down slowly. This is something Mekai helped her calm down with.

They both discovered that tracing butterflies helped Sehkani calm down, when they were 10. One day she was panicking and out of nowhere she began drawing butterflies on his skin with a pen, but she calmed down after a while.

Butterflies were her mothers favorite animal, She said they made her feel at peace. Calm. A break from reality. She said when she die, she'll come back as one. A blue monarch to be exact - Sehkani hasn't seen one since she died, but she didn't give up.

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