Two: To Tango With A Vampire

Start from the beginning

I knew I had to finish it now. I stepped forward and bore a powerful blow to his throat. He let out a gurgling sound and went limp. A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I stood above him. I had won the fight, but I needed to leave before anyone saw me or his friends found us.

I made my way out of the alleyway, my heart racing and adrenaline still pumping. The fight had zapped me, even though I had come out victorious. I headed to the car to rest and heal from my injuries.

In the silence, I couldn't help but think about the vampire I had just defeated. He was a challenging opponent, but in the end, I won. There would be more battles to come, but for now, I was content to rest and heal. The fight was done, but the war had just begun.

"You're both safe!" Rian expressed to Fiona as I approached. He was standing by the car, still holding Fiona's friend in his arms. "We won't harm you. Please, lass. Get in the car. Your friend needs help."

Looking upset and confused, Fiona crossed her arms while shaking her head no. "I'll get her help. We don't get in cars with strange men! And what was... what was that thing in the alley? How are we still alive?"

I realized it was time for me to intervene. "Fiona," I said in a placating tone. "I'll explain everything soon, but we must go now before that thing's friends realize he's missing. If that happens, we may not make it out alive. Now please get in. We must get her help." I gestured toward the moaning woman in Rian's arms.

Rian needed help, so I opened the back door and settled the girl on his lap. Fiona stared at me with something akin to fear in her eyes and held her arms across her body. She looked so small and innocent. I felt guilty that I was going to turn her world upside down. As a human, she wouldn't understand. I was preparing myself for the worst.

She would detest me before realizing it was fate for us to meet this way, and I'd have to weather her hatred. I'd been searching for my mate for too long to let her slip away. Maybe it would be easier to call them a taxi and never think of her again. She was Mundane! A human for God's sake. No! As alpha, I needed my mate... human or not.

It was a cruel twist of fate.

Most mere mortals feared our kind or didn't believe in any form of the supernatural. The ones that did were different. If they believed, they never understood or were driven by fear or greed. Then there were the ones who hunted us down. It was a story as old as time: humans trying to kill the scary monsters roaming the night.

But this wasn't a Gothic Tale from yonder years gone by. This was my life. A life that just got more complicated by a beautiful human named Fiona.

"It's okay, love. Get in the car with Rowan. My brother is harmless." Rian snickered from the backseat.

She glanced in the window and frowned, but he winked.

I didn't like how he flirted with Fiona, but I remained calm. I was on a mission and realized I couldn't admit the truth while coaxing her into the car.

She's mine, but I can't mark her yet.

After a moment, she narrowed her eyes at me and said, "Fine. My father is well-known in the community. If anything happens to us, you'll pay the price!" The sound of her voice was soft but fierce, awakening a need in me I found hard to ignore.

I opened the car door and smiled. "Your chariot, my lady..." My attempt at humor didn't work. She rolled her eyes and entered the car. I jogged around to the driver's side before she changed her mind.

"What's your friend's name?" Rian asked as I started the car.

"Katrina, but everyone calls her Kat," Fiona said, turning to look at her. "Is she going to be okay?"

Rian turned her head, noticing the blood and wounds on her neck. "Blimey, the bastard bit her."

"Jesus," I exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel with my palm. "How bad? Bad enough to transform her?"

"No. But she's unconscious," Rian replied.

"What in the fuck is going on? What was that thing and what's gonna happen to Kat?" asked Fiona, alarmed.

I saw Fiona shivering and turned up the heat. I forgot humans got cold. As a werewolf, the winter temperatures were a relief to my kind.

"I asked a question," she ventured, severing my thoughts. I couldn't believe my brother hadn't jumped at the chance to answer. Perhaps he was getting the hints I'd been throwing.

"Sorry. Your drug-pushing buddy was a dangerous supernatural creature," I explained, not wanting to scare her.

"Like... a monster?" Fiona asked and shuddered.

"Like a Vampire," Rian corrected.

I looked at him through the rearview mirror, making my displeasure known. He shrugged and smiled. "She needs to know the truth so she can protect herself from now on," Rian announced.

"Fine," I conceded. "You explain while I drive us home."

"Home!" Fiona yelled. "Just where the fuck do you get off?"

She was a tiny spitfire and instead of getting angry, I liked her outspoken attitude. "Listen, Fiona... how would you explain Kat's injuries? You are both coming to our house. My sister can help care for your friend and then we will get her home when she's safe. We're offering our help," I exclaimed and sighed.

I prayed she didn't catch the part where I only mentioned getting Katrina home. Fiona was staying with me for life. It had hit me that as a human, I could outlive Fiona for hundreds of years unless I got killed during this dangerous drug war taking place.

Rian reached over the seat and patted Fiona's shoulder to calm her. "It's okay. I swear we're not serial killers."

Rian had a way with people. He could put everyone at ease while I was the broody one. But Rian wasn't the alpha with the weight of the pack on his shoulders.

"And you're not vampires?" she asked without humor.

"No." Rian laughed, a touch of nervousness laced the word. He changed the subject and said, "The pill he offered... the one Katrina took..."

"Sexflex," she ventured, and I nodded.

"It's not your normal date rape drug," Rian said. "If you consume too much of it, you lose control of your mind and senses."

"I can see that," she said, looking at Kat, who was moaning.

"That's not the danger of the drug... it gets worse." Rian grimaced and explained, "Too much will transform a human into a dangerous creature like the vampire who bit Katrina."

Fiona inhaled a sharp breath and covered her face. She rocked back and forth as a sob reverberated through the vehicle. My instinct screamed to pull over and comfort her or do something. My inner werewolf called for me to take her in my arms, kiss her lips, and mark her as mine.

Instead, I reached over and stroked her glossy hair. Her tiny hand came up and grabbed mine. I felt my insides ready to burst as I held back a feral howl trying to leave my chest. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you both."

I felt Rian's gaze lingering on me and a look passed between us in the rearview mirror that said, 'This will not end well for any of us.'


I hope you enjoyed chapter two. Let me know by voting and commenting.


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