October 12, 1983

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Robins pov:
last week Y/n asked me if I liked Milton, the question rubbed me the wrong way infact anytime anyone asks me if I like Milton I feel uncomfortable. Does y/n think I like Milton? I mean I understand I guess Kate and dash thinking I like Milton because I don't find interest in boys and I seem to talk to Milton a lot but.. y/n I just don't see her as the type of person to think that. I haven't talked to her since, I'm scared to uncover the emotions that I'm so desperately trying to bury 6 feet under ground, I know that's bad but I'm scared to figure out this. Y/n is a beauty, she smells like a flower meadow and I love the way her hair looks the way it's always neatly done, the way she's just effortlessly herself. Even though she tries to hide herself. I see behind the anxiousness that she seems to hide behind like a shield to protect from the outside, to protect from whatever's hurting her. I see her even though i barely talk to her. I could be projecting but i don't think I am, I mean I see her- I understand her in a way. After band I'll try to talk to her though I don't know how that'll go.

Y/N pov:
Robin hasn't spoke a single word to me since last week. Did I do or say something wrong? This has been eating me away for days, was it about Milton?? Or am I just annoying?? Am I just a draining person to be around that you have to wait a while before you speak to me again?? "What honey??" My mom yells up stairs turns out I've been frantically saying all this aloud while rushing to get ready. "Nothing Mom!!" I scream back to her while rushing to put my mascara on without messing up. I quickly grab my converse trying to put them on and tie them while packing my bag. I rush out the door yelling "BYE MOM I LOVE YOU" I say it super fast it probably sounds like gibberish but that doesn't matter I grab my bike and try to put my helmet on while running to catch speed and hop on. I quickly bike to school but not to quickly so I don't break my Walkman. I put my bike in the rack, robins waiting outside with a few other kids, the school doors haven't even opened. I rushed to school because I was gonna ask robin if I did something wrong and I wouldn't get time to ask her if I got here at my normal time considering she gets to school before I do. "Hey!! Y/N" I hear from a distance. I turn my head, its robin. Shes running toward me waving with a huge smile on her face.

Robins pov:
Y/n just got to school and she's putting her bike in the rack, i run up to her. "Hey!! Y/n!!" I have a huge stupid smile on my face and I'm waving, to her I probably look like an idiot. As I get closer to her I stop smiling "hey, um-" I pause licking my lip but not in the hot flirty way, the anxious type way. "Im sorry I haven't talked to you, I'm just- just trying to figure out how I feel." I say giving an anxious smile. "Oh thank god!" She says with a sigh of relief. "I thought you were mad at me." She smiles slightly "why would I be mad at you?" I say confused with a nervous laugh. "Oh..I- I thought you were mad because of- because of me asking about Milton." She say bring her hand to rub the back of her neck. "No-No I'm not mad at all, I'm just trying to figure it all out myself and who it is I like.. but it's definitely not him" I say with reassurance and smile, she smiles back showing her teeth which I believe she's insecure about because when she realizes she instantly covers her mouth. The school doors open and we walk to together to homeroom.

PS: I might not update in a while cause my grades started dropping and I need to get it up

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