Chapter 71: Overwhelmed

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The former agent smiled as Zatanna showed him the next tab on the laptop. He carefully studied both images and looked up at the magician in confusion.

(Y/n): "Uhh, Zee... don't you think we should at least tour the venue before we book it?"

Zatanna: "Oh we will be, I'm just seeing how you feel about location."

(Y/n): "Okay, well I won't exactly have a big guest list so it doesn't have to be a big place."

Zatanna: "I know, I don't have a lot of family to invite either."

(Y/n): "We may not have a biological family to invite, but we have a family. They'll be there for us, just like we're there for them. Speaking of everyone, a bunch of superheroes tends to draw a crowd, so we'll need to pick a venue that's semi secluded or at least not in plain view."

Zatanna: "Yeah I was thinking about that too. Alright... I'm just going to say it. I was looking around online and found a really nice place in Italy. My mom took me there before she got sick, it was so much fun. Would you like to look at a few venues in Italy?"

(Y/n): "Yeah I'd love to. It would be like taking a mini vacation."

Zatanna: "Well, no. We'll be working on the wedding if we find a place we like."

(Y/n): "Fine, I guess a business trip to Europe isn't the worst thing."

Zatanna: "Good. I've got a few more things I want to go over before we leave. Are you alright to leave in a couple weeks?"

(Y/n): "Zee, the Division's gone, I'm technically unemployed. I can go whenever you're ready."

Zatanna: "So... what are you going to do for work? I-I mean the League doesn't pay us since the U.N cut our funding and with the Division gone you won't be getting paid... what are we going to do for money?"

(Y/n): "I have more than enough saved up. We'll be fine for the foreseeable future."

Despite his reassurance the former agent could tell his magician was still incredibly worried. He gently took the laptop and placed it on the ground before pulling Zatanna down onto his chest.

The magician cooed softly as the former agent wrapped his arms around her body and gently held her in place.

Zatanna softly moaned as her lips pressed against (Y/n)'s. Her hands grabbed either side of his head and deepened the kiss.

When they broke for air, Zatanna rested her forehead against (Y/n)'s and drew in a deep breath.

Zatanna: "I-I just want to make sure we're in a good position to maybe start a family. I-I know how financially stressful that can be."

(Y/n): "Trust me, we're more than ready on that front."

Zatanna's blue eyes locked onto (Y/n)'s (e/c) ones and she let a small gasp slip out. She was holding her breath and had no idea why; she was completely stunned. Then it suddenly clicked. She noticed (Y/n)'s smile and remembered how desperately she wanted to start a family with him.

Not even a second later her lips were crashing down against his once again, soft moans slipping out and filling the living room.

Titan stood up and stretched before walking away. A few seconds later the lovers heard their dog trot up the stairs.

(Y/n): "You know he's going to jump up on our bed, right?"

Zatanna: "And who taught him that was okay?"

All the former agent could muster was a smug smile. Zatanna rolled her eyes as her fiancé grumbled out an excuse.

(Y/n): "I don't know what you're insinuating. I would never teach our dog to jump up on our bed. I can't believe you'd think that of me-MHMMM!"

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora