Until the doctor presses the jewel into her chest and a light comes from her like a blast.


ON THE COT, Cady's legs begin to sew together. Scales erupt from her feet and glide up to her waist like a wave pulling to shore, in glimmering iridescent shades of silver and green that catch the reflection of the torches lighting up the room. Her hair streams over her shoulders in rich curls of deep gold, and when she moves her lips she feels sharp fangs digging into her bottom lip.

Caspian collapses to his knees, coming to grasp her hand and they watch her transformation together. Cady drinks in the air greedily, panting as she catches her breath, grateful for the pain to finally cease.

"Cadence." Doctor Cornelius is the first to speak up. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Y-Yes," she stammers out, still surprised at her tail. Carefully, she moves it, and when it responds to her body, she flinches back with a yelp. "What is going on? Why do I-What is this?"

From the side, Edmund lets out a sigh of relief, his eyes raking over Cady's body and he tears his gaze away when they reach her newly grown tail.

"Your mother didn't tell you everything, did she?" The doctor says.

Cady turns to look at him with a look of disbelief, mustering up the courage to say, "Does it look like she did?"

He manages a laugh, and Caspian cuts in, echoing her words, "What is going on?"

"Your mother is Narnian, a mermaid to be precise. I only found out when she realised I am a descendant of the Black Dwarves in the Northern Mountains."

Cady shares a look with Caspian. They know that her mother is different, but they didn't expect her to be Narnian.

"I've never seen a mermaid up close," Lucy says in awe, hands hovering just above her fin.

"Well, it explains the tail," Cady mumbles, pushing her matted messy golden hair out of her face. She catches Edmund's eyes and immediately wishes she hadn't, the way he is looking at her makes her tail go weak but the glint of unease sets her emotions into a dangerous spiral.

The doctor flips open the notebook and begins reciting, "Pureblooded mermaids are born with tails, both female and male. Male borns are rare, because the female is the more dominant sex in the culture. If a mermaid were to be born to mixed-race parents, they would inherit both traits from their parents."

"When a half-mermaid is born, signs like being able to breath underwater or exceptional speed in water can detect the genetic being passed down," The doctor continues. He turns to look at Cady with an apologetic stare. "You showed no signs, other than the fact that you and Lorelei look exactly the same."

"Half-mermaid offspring will have their first transformation at the age of sixteen. The first change is the most painful, but a half-mermaid has the ability to transform their tail as they wish."

"So? I can change back?" Cady perks up immediately, a hesitant smile flitting over her features.

"Yes, it's all part of the Deep Magic. Start wearing this around your neck, my dear, it'll help with the transformation." He hands her the sapphire, and she wraps her hand around it tightly. "Now, imagine your legs, and the magic will do its work."

So Cady does as she is told: she imagines human skin, her feet, her thighs, her knees. And the transformation reverses, her scales dry and peel off like a snake shedding its skin. Her fin splits, tearing her straight down the middle and breaking her in two. It's uncomfortable, and there is a tingling feeling underneath her skin.

And when her legs return, she curls into herself and shrinks back from everyone's glances. Caspian, being the protective brother he is, pulls the blanket over her bare skin.

"Are you alright, Cadence?" Doctor Cornelius asks, standing a respectful distance away.

She manages a nod. And while the doctor doesn't seem to believe her, he backs away with a comforting smile. "We'll give you some space," he says. It is more an order than anything, and Susan immediately understands, dragging Lucy and Peter out with a shake of her head.

"I'll come back to check on you later," Susan calls back. "Try not to wander off," she adds with a small smile. Cady grins at her antics, relief coursing through her at the normalcy.

Caspian doesn't seem to want to move from her side. "Cadence, answer me honestly now, are you sure you're feeling alright? That was quite something to take in."

"Yes, Caspian, I think–I think I just need some time alone," she says, turning away to hide from his concerned stare.

Hesitantly, Caspian stands, squeezing her hand. "If you say so, Cady. I'll stay close," he answers. Lowering his head, he presses a quick kiss on the top of her head. "Get some sleep, will you?"

"I will," Cady replies. When Caspian leaves, she catches the warning look he shoots Edmund before he shuts the door closed.

At his burning stare, Edmund clears his throat. 'I should go too," he mumbles, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword so tightly that his knuckles turn white.

"Edmund, wait!" She calls, sitting up. Her breath catches in her throat and a dizziness creeps up to her, having sat up too fast. The king freezes in his spot. "Will you stay?"

Edmund pauses, hesitating. Then he steps forward and takes a seat on her cot. "Are you sure it's alright?"

"Yes." The answer comes easy to her, yet her voice is quiet as a whisper.

The boy in front of her is tentative about his actions now, treading cautiously and speaking carefully around her. She hates it, she hates being treated like glass. "Edmund, I'm still me," she says, reaching forward to grip his hand.

"That I know," Edmund says with a small smile, shifting closer so he can sit next to her and lean against the headboard. And when he presses his forehead against hers, his dark brown eyes are full and warm, and the whisper of her name in his breath lulls her into his comfort.

make it right ➞ edmund pevensie; the chronicles of narnia [editing]Where stories live. Discover now