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How do I understand you, when you are deep like the ocean where I can't reach the bottom without drowning? ( adapted by @ livianaVega )


 In my endless despair, where my immense yearning always is always rejected, I've danced with death, seeking its gifting grace. To me,  It's not just an escape; it's a sanctuary for those who've weathered the storms of immense torment, a saving for the souls drowning in the river of their abuse*rs  struggles. Picture the peace of drifting away, like a leaf on the current of a river, each ripple guiding you to an unknown destination.

I have yearned Death so much yet, my useless attempts to seize the gift of death have been a relentless battle.

I've fallen from the towering astronomy tower, embraced the defying depths of drowning, suffocated myself with sleeping pills, wielded blades to carve an exit, brew endless potions,  to carve an exit.

 Countless spells echoed my desperate plea for release, yet death remained elusive. The reasons for seeking death is for an escape from Draco's vice-like grip, a plea to silence the agony etched into my very skin.

I am waiting eagerly in distraught.  Waiting for my life to halt: my breath to cease, my heart to still, and my mind to fall into an eternal slumber.

Draco, with his malevolent gang, is the cause for all of this. But it's Draco Malfoy who stands as the prey of my suffering. He led me into a darkroom, a deceptive orb of light on the outside but concealing a pitch-black core. The façade of happiness, envied by many, is nothing but a cruel lie.

 In this relationship with Draco Malfoy, or rather, Draco Malfoy's girlfriend - Feyre Azura, I've been drowning in shadows masquerading as light.

His arrogance, rebellion, and disdain are the reason for my personal hell. The initial expectation of his mistreatment shattered as I became his unwilling companion in a tragic tale.

Before the unforgiving mirror, I  sight a haunting reflection, a canvas of torment painted with a palette of pain. The echoes of his haunting voice continues, as I question, "Where did it all go wrong?"

In the depths of this narrative, where shadows dance with reality, lies a tale both haunting and captivating - a cry from the abyss, beckoning the readers to explore the intricacies of a soul entangled in the darkness, desperately seeking an elusive light.


Matheo Riddle, an embodiment of power and wealth, lingered outside the room belonging to the self-proclaimed 'greatest wizard of all,' Albus Dumbledore. An appointment, summoned by the powerful wizard to explain the 'rules' of this mundane school, left Matheo scoffing with contempt.

"As if I would deign to follow any of them," he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes with a dismissive air. The only reason he subjected himself to this wretched place was the command of his father. Fiddling indifferently with his wand, his thoughts lingered on the mission bestowed upon him. A professor he didn't recognize emerged from the room, her presence insignificant, not even meriting a pause to deliver a message intended for him.

"You are wanted inside now," Her voice of authority chirped with an irritatingly squeaky voice, passing by without a inch of respect

"She would be acting differently if only she knew who I was," Matheo mused. Sadly, he found himself lacking the appetite for violence at the moment, permitting the inconsequential Professor to pass without him bashing her.

Entering the room, he spared no regard for the supposed greats of Hogwarts. How different could it be from his own home? The renowned Albus Dumbledore sat calmly scribbling on an ancient, ruddy wooden table, his hands occupied with the triviality of quill and parchment.

 Matheo smirked at the anticipated amusement that awaited him.

"Matheo Marvelo Riddle, welcome to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry," greeted the aged voice of Dumbledore. "Morning," Matheo responded casually, taking a seat without acknowledging the headmaster's authority. His arrogance spiked through his actions.  

While the professor droned on about tiresome rules and regulations, Matheo contemplated the countless options of more interesting activities he could be engaged in. A lecture from his father, an abuse session with his mother, or perhaps indulging in the punishment of a few unfortunate slaves and servants? The choices were limitless, each more enticing than the insipid discourse before him. He absentmindedly rolled his tongue on his cheek, a gesture of utter indifference.

As the never-ending lecture continued, Dumbledore explained the intricacies of classes, co-curricular activities, and the notorious house system. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff – the very thought of dwelling with other people repulsed Matheo. He preferred to stay with his own dwelling, detached from the distasteful masses of beings below him.

"Well, shall we sort your house now "   Albus asked, breaking the monotony. His eyes became smaller in boredom, "Certainly headmaster." He said, having the prestige knowledge of what house he would already end in.   

The professor placed a old hat on Matheo,   to decide his fate for the next two years. Already certain of his destination, he sat arrogantly, hoping his house wouldn't be tainted by lesser beings. "Slytherin!" the hat bellowed, echoing the legacy of his father. A sardonic smirk adorned Matheo's face; Slytherin would become familiar with his presence, a cold and unyielding force within its hallowed halls.

POV OF Author

Holidays have finally come to an end after a long break. Trees had started to shed their leaves and were starting to get ready for winter. The sun no longer shined as happily as it once did. It was replaced with a dull look.

The Hogwarts Express bustled with activity as students eagerly boarded for the commencement of a new school year. Excitement filled the air, transcending the gloomy weather, and laughter echoed through the train compartments as friends from various families reunited.

Amidst the hustle, the sky loomed dark and cloudy, threatening an impending thunderstorm. Along the railway, students bid their farewells to parents, eager to embark on the journey to Hogwarts.

In one of the compartments, Draco took a seat beside Dalia, with Pansy and Blaise seated across from them. Despite the dreary ambiance, their laughter permeated the air.

"I bet she's locked up in her room crying right now," Draco chuckled, a smirk playing on his lips. Pansy, in the midst of stowing her bag in the cabinet, snickered in response.

"She's such a damn whore, thinking that anyone would put up with her ass,"  Dalia sneered at Draco . Blaise joined in with a laugh, reveling in the shared sentiment.

Dalia, her gaze fixated on the ominous sky through the train window, absorbed the dark and eerie atmosphere. The once-pervasive sunlight had vanished, replaced by an encroaching darkness. Despite the jovial chatter around her, Dalia's thoughts seemed to be drawn to the shadows.

"But I must say, I do crave torturing her," Draco added, the anticipation of sadistic pleasure lingering in his tone, casting a sinister undertone over the Hogwarts Express as it hurtled towards the magical school


 sorry guys alot of shifting between chapters, if you guys see little to no comments it is because book is under massive editing.

And yes this chapter is very confusing I understandddd

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