Chapter 2

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Elizabeth had no track of time, so she didn't know if it was day or night. She assumed that it was around noon because when the man left, the sun was up and there was a bright, blue sky. In addition to that lack of knowledge, she didn't know how long she's been trapped in that room. Perhaps a week? No, it was shorter than that.

"Voice?" She called out, trying to get in contact with the voice that's been haunting her for some time. No response. "I would like to speak to you regarding my pardon."

Young girl, you've only served six days in your new home. You have another ten years until you'll be eligible for a pardon. That being said, I expect you to complain no more, otherwise I'll have to put you down.

"Sir, please let me out into the world again," Elizabeth pleaded. "I'll work for you if that's what it'll take to be free!"

I've been capturing children for twenty years. None of them survive their sentence. You too will not live to see daylight again as long as you blackmail me.

"Can I at least be accompanied by someone else? It would mean the world to me if I had someone to communicate with."

You have me to talk to, young child. If I'm not pleasing you enough, that's your problem rather than mine, so stop complaining or I'll have you killed!

Elizabeth sighed and nodded (she pretended to note the voice's words). Without another word being spoken, she stood back up and ran over to the wall that opened for the man. She didn't expect it to work, but she wanted to try to escape.

What are you doing? You have no right to leave this place, no matter how badly you want to see your family again! Sit back down at once!

The wall parted for Elizabeth as if it could read her rushing thoughts. Taken aback, she ran out into the daylight, but not before the man punched her on the nose and knocked her back into the dark room. She could see him clearly now; he had dark skin and tattoos all over his body, including his face. His brawny muscles explained why the hit hurt so bad that Elizabeth felt blood running down her face.

"You think it's that easy to escape your fate? You thought wrong, little lady!" The man approached her as the wall closed behind him, now leaving his appearance in shadows. Elizabeth struggled to stand up, but she managed to do so and back away from the impact she anticipated.

"Please! I don't want to die! Let me have freedom!" She begged as she cornered herself against the back wall. The man grinned devilishly and pulled out a pocket knife, now threatening Elizabeth's life with it.

Kill the girl.

"As you wish, my master," he motioned to stab Elizabeth, but she ducked and ran around the man, now heading for the opposite wall. It opened as she approached it, but closed when the man wanted to chase her into the daylight. "Damnit!"

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